Newest Member: Jay9090


"Noone can make you feel inferior without your concent." Eleanor Roosevelt

I will not be vanquished. Rose Kennedy

Does anyone know anything about parole boards / letters of support?


I need your input.

My son has a parole hearing on September 26. He has asked me and whoever else I think would be helpful to write a letter to the parole board. I wrote one and read it to him the other day on the phone. He thanked me graciously, but told me that he thought it was too long. And then he didn’t think that they would want to know everything about his childhood, about being born addicted to crack cocaine, about a concussion at a very early age, etc.

So I am a little bit at a loss.

First of all, I disagree with him. In my head, a parole board should know that he was born addicted to cocaine, and all the hardships that he had growing up. So that they wouldn’t think that he had no circumstances that contributed to his poor choices.

Also, I really don’t know what is left to say to them other than I want my son to come home.

Can you help me with this?

First of all, would the parole board want to know of his difficulties that might’ve contributed to his choices that wound him up in jail? Or would they consider those as excuses?

And, if not, what exactly kind of letter would it be beneficial to my son to write to the parole board?

Thanks so much for whatever suggestions you can give.

8 comments posted: Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

I could use some input re dog (pet) issues

For clarification, I use the term "puppy" to refer to all my dogs.

As you may remember, I have 5 dogs.

1) Jackie Chan, is the senior dog (black lab / jack russell) who is 15ish years old and basically eats / sleeps, and "grumpy growls" when the others go near her. Sight and hearing low. No real aggression. Has been an amazing dog. Has earned her rest.

2) Freckles, the 11-12 year old (jack russell / pug) also with hearing issues. Very stubborn, but basically agreeable.

3) April is the border collie / beagle mix - 3 years old. Fabulous dog when Maggie was with us. After her passing, has withdrawn. A total badass with all things scurrying in the back yard. Showing aggression /dominance toward Bella.

4) Bella is a 15 month old mini dachshund who has been a caregiver rather than a dog her entire life. For my H who recently passed away. She is now grieving, but also trying to learn to be a dog. Spends most of her time with the new pup - play scuffling. She can hold her own so far, but the pup is really growing.

5) Maddie is the new "dufus" pup…about 6 months old. Not housebroken.🙁 LOVES Bella. Has a huge heart. Just loves everybody - especially me. ❣️

I am not an owner of working/show dogs. But I have never had trouble before with dogs not getting along. I also have never had five dogs at once, while I’m trying to care for someone 24 seven. I guess I am overlooking, or being negligent in some areas.

Lots of potty accidents.

April’s dominant/aggressive behavior toward Bella. Even when just roughhousing a little bit in our den where we stay most of the time when we’re inside.

Today I was gone for about an hour, so I left the puppies outside playing. When I got home, I could hear Bella crying out, and as I ran to the backyard, April was pacing back-and-forth along the fence line (chain-link) and Bella was on the other side of the fence. Still don’t know how she did that. I was barely able to pull out the bottom of the chain-link fence so that she could come back in. There are never any marks on Bella, but I can see fear. And I am uncomfortable with the stance and expressions and intensity with which April plays. (When Bella "play fights" with Maddie, the new pup, they really get after it. And Bella is right in the mix. When April tries to get in the middle of it, her vocalizing sounds more like a serious growl - although her tail is (mostly) wagging. But Bella shows submission and sometimes rolls over on her back.) I won’t lie… I was extremely upset with April today and I popped her on her nose and yelled at her… Totally lost my shit.. I put her in a crate that I recently got for Maddie at night to help with potty training. Don’t worry, I have been chastised for, and told that the crate must never be a punishment.

I sent a text explaining the situation to the lady from whom I got our latest pup. The following was her response:


" Hey! Thanks for writing and asking.. even if it isn't a pup that came from us.

As for kenneling, I would crate all 3. That would help balance the power and hierarchy. With the huge changes in their lives recently, their little lives have been turned upside down.

I would use positive reinforcement for all... and let them out in pairs to help them build different friendships.

Incorporate toys, and only get those out during that playtime. (It will be a good icebreaker of they're nervous.)

As for the uneasy feeling that you're having, trust it!
Do not leave the dogs out when you leave... this could end up really bad! (They shouldn't be going under the fence.)

My dogs also act like guard dogs (pacing back and forth) when any dog is on the other side. It's in their DNA.

You have to treat them all equally... and YOU'RE THE BOSS. You have to correct the behavior and be calm.. no energy from you, says a lot to them. (Mom isn't happy.)

A routine is a must. Feed at the same time (in crate), potty together, crate separately...
When they earn it, they can do more... like all be out together.

The balance is off... they are smart and realize the absence of dad.

The biggest part:
April's breed says it all!!! That's her DNA! She is a boss and your protector.

April is trying to herd (control) Bella. Bella stayed with dad, now she's in big picture.. and near you.

Do not use the crate as a discipline tool (don't yell and put her in there. )

It is their safe place, ..give treats, meals, and lots of attention for going in

I would close the doors of the crates when not being used... and assign each crate to a dog. That is now their "bedroom."

For the record, I see a lot of wisdom in what she sent me. But I am not one who crates. So I have to admit that I’m resisting that part…that evidently very integral part… Of her suggestions.

I can’t say that I’m going to choose to follow whatever suggestions are given, but I know there are some really sharp dog owners out there, and I would love to hear your opinion if you have the time.

Thanks. I have a three day trip to Missouri planned in July, and a week long trip in Seattle Washington in September. Both to visit lifelong friends. I’m beginning to panic… For fear that I should not be leaving my dogs with anyone else while they are in "disarray".

Thanks for whatever input you may have.

11 comments posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

I’m having puppy issues

Sorry. Double post…somehow.

Admin…feel free to remove this.

I made some editing changes and somehow it reposted in a whole new topic.


0 comment posted: Friday, May 17th, 2024

We are falling apart here

My husband has a lot of abdominal issues with his belly, and recently we have found a neurologist NP that has prescribed baclofen and nortriptyline for all of the stretching and spasms in his abdomen. Our nurse practitioner that comes to the home has told my husband that she believes the pain is from internal constrictors. Just like his arms and legs have constricted at the elbow and knee due to lack of movement now because he doesn’t get up out of the bed anymore, she feels it is soft tissue constrictions and that’s what’s pulling so tight in his abdomen

He has told me that it hurts so bad even with the medicine that he wants them to just save his spinal cord so he can’t feel anything. I have mentioned it to a couple of doctors and they all tell him that he needs to remember the severe pain that amputees feel sometimes when the leg that is missing hurts so badly. Told him it would not guarantee "no pain".

Anyway, last week, his stomach was hurting a lot. Many times it’s because he is bloated with gas, or a bit constipated. We took care of the constipation, but the bloating continued. Finally, on Thursday evening, he was screaming, and he waited a long time, but we finally had to call an ambulance. I normally tried to take him in our accessible van, but it takes a bit of strength to get him in the van, even with the lift. And pull him across the van. And then to get him out. My shoulder surgery is still just about a month old And still very sore since I have never really rested it since the surgery. That’s a whole other story I’ll bore you with another time.

Anyway, I was getting sick on Thursday night so the ambulance came and took him to the hospital. I lay down for just a little bit and then an hour or two later. They had already gotten. The CT scan said it looked fine. They are never able to determine why his belly hurts. I tend to agree about the constrictions, but what do I know. The two spots on his kidneys have been there for about four years and never changed and they said that was still true. The doctor said he wanted to keep him in the hospital just to double check some things.

It was the second time I have ever not stayed with him around the clock. But I was so tired. The next morning I called to ask how he was doing and he said that he had pneumonia and was on oxygen. And that his belly wouldn’t stop hurting no matter what they gave him. And that the nurses didn’t give him some of the medication that he asked for that was on his regular Med list every day at home. I’m trying not to believe that’s because he’s helpless and can do nothing about it. Because when I’m there, there is never any problem getting meds. I simply go to the front desk and ask for the meds, and if they don’t come in a timely manner, I go to the front desk and I stand there until they bring them.

Friday morning I was feeling much worse and my son was even worse. My sister came and took him to urgent care and found out that he had the flu. I got continuously worse through the day and I went to my doctor Friday afternoon and I also have the flu. I understand now about how they say the flu is so much harder on the old people. I will be coughing and producing so much with each cough, that I almost choked because I can’t sit up fast enough I’m so weak. I am reduced to hoping that he stays in the hospital long enough for me to recover. Because right now I couldn’t take care of him.

It has broken my heart that when my boys have called from jail to talk to us, I have been too sick to talk to them very long and then I have to tell them that their dad’s in the hospital. They seemed OK with it because he has been in and out so many times over the last few years. But when I told them he had pneumonia they became really scared. I think they both called him but I’m not sure, I hate for them to have to be worried.

I don’t even know if I’m mentioned it to you all that my one son has been put in "the hole". Solitary confinement. He works in the kitchen from 2:45 in the morning until 1045. When he came back from the kitchen to go to sleep, guards took him to a special room and told him that he had a disciplinary write up. That they found a metal tool that they were accusing him of making and that it was inside his mattress.

I’m sure that no mother would want to believe that her son would do something like that. But my son is at a particular facility where they allow the inmates to go out in the community with an ankle monitor and work and then come back to the house in the evening. And they have long sentences to go. Years. My son gets out 1 August. He told me that he absolutely didn’t do such a stupid thing, and why would he do that knowing that it would add more time when he’s got so little time left. One of our family friends is one of the guards there, and he told my son that it was very peculiar that a certain inmate had said to him out of the blue to go and check my sons cot. But the guards found it there, and they have no way of knowing who is lying, so my son is in solitary confinement.

It seems like more than a few of us are having more than our share of shit thrown at us lately.

I had been in touch with a law firm that said they could clear our debt from a timeshares that we bought years and years ago, but they would never allow us to book the week that we wanted because it wasn’t available. Not one time and all those years were we able to go. So we just quit paying The maintenance and the yearly whatever fees. I’ve been told, after not paying the fees, that they can’t help me. So now I’m worried to death that we’ve got $100,000 or more of bills with them due to not paying the fees. And I’m worried that , they’ll take my home or my children’s inheritance.

I was supposed to pick up my new puppy on Wednesday. But as my son was getting very sick, and the trip would take us about five hours, down and back, I simply could not leave my husband "alone" for that amount of time. She told me she would hold the puppy until the 27th… This coming Wednesday. I’m just praying that I will feel better and time to get to go. I can’t just ask my sister to go get the puppy because the adoption isn’t final. Her requirement is to see me and the dog interacting to make sure we seem like a good fit.

What a mess.

153 comments posted: Sunday, March 24th, 2024

Golden doodles?

I am considering a 1 year old medium sized golden doodle. Anyone have one? Or have had any experience with them?

I am used to smaller dogs, so I’m hoping to ease my nerves about having a bigger dog. They tell me that she is one year old and weighs 39 pounds.

She is so cute… Looks like a doofus! Her name is "Iridessa". Yep, that’ll have to change. Although I guess it’s pretty bad to change the name on a puppy after she’s already a year old.

I’m getting her to run and play and chase and exercise in the backyard with my border collie/beagle mix.
I wish I knew how to post pictures, and I would show you a picture of her.

75 comments posted: Saturday, March 9th, 2024

Any good ideas for sleep?

Quickly, my H has been up for over 36 hours without sleep - a pretty nasty bout of abdominal issues

Now that the pain is better, he just can’t get to sleep. And it’s beginning to affect his mental health.

I can’t give him melatonin because I have been told by the pharmacist that it probably would not work… And sure enough it never really has worked with him, because she said the samething in melatonin is what is in your body to make you sleep and with the medication‘s that he is on, it makes sense that it would not help him.

She suggested Benadryl. Said it would not interact with any of his meds, and as long as I did not give the Benadryl to him any closer than 2 to 2 1/2 hours from his pain meds, it should be fine.

I’m headed to the pharmacy now to pick up the Benadryl. But I would so love to try something different. I think passionflower is a no go because of his meds as well. I was wondering about essential oils. Any of you know what essential oils might be helpful?

11 comments posted: Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

Out of touch 😟

I feel like I have not touched base with you good people in a while. Life just gets in the way sometimes.

I think I have mentioned that I now have two sons in jail. One should be released in August, and the other one… who has been in jail for so long… should be out in the spring of next year.

I have been trying recently to get through this by looking at what positive things could come out of it. My boys tend to drop the attitude when they go to jail. When they call to talk to us they are very appreciative and very calm and seemingly honest. I just keep telling myself that I pray that my husband and I will both be alive and in fairly good physical and mental shape when they get home. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to lose someone while you’re locked up.

I will tell you this, I’m going to be a lot richer when they get out. Commissary and Phone time support is getting a bit expensive these days. And I also send daycare money to my grandson’s mother to provide for her the funds that my son should be paying.

One truly miraculous thing that is happening at home is that our son who has had so much difficulty with substances and mental health issues is really doing very well. He has found a girlfriend that is very very important to him, and it seems as though he has wanted someone special in his life for so long that all of his negativity and obstinence seems to have fallen by the wayside. He is helping out whenever asked, chatting with me about every day things. There have been no fights, no resentment toward me. And that is a huge change! I know he still drinking, but not nearly so much.

I had shoulder surgery on Thursday, and on Friday, which is my son‘s day off from work, he came in the den and said to me that he was wanting to spend some time with some friends, but wanted to be sure that I didn’t need him to stay home to help me with things due to my surgery. It was all I could do not to sob while he was in the room.

My husband continues to struggle with abdominal tightness. The home health nurses and the nurse practitioner who comes to see him on a monthly basis are of the same opinion that his abdominal issues are due to internal contractures. He is trying to get up a little more often so I hope we can continue for him to get up out of the bed more and more.

I don’t know what all I have missed by being away from the site for a little bit, but I hope you are all doing very very well… healthy, and happy.

9 comments posted: Saturday, February 24th, 2024

Having a slight panic attack 😕

I am due to take my baby puppy Bella to the vet to get her spayed tomorrow. I’m having a really tough time with this, because my Maggie began her seizures shortly after her spaying at the same vet hospital. I notified them about this at the time, and they said they had never had that feedback or that concern in all of their years, which are many. So I just dismissed it and thought she was probably having nightmares. But then…

I think the chances are quite slim that any fault for Maggie’s condition lies with the veterinarians who spayed her. But I find myself just not wanting to take her.

Have any of you all had issues after having your dog spayed/neutered? Do you think I’m just being overly sensitive about this? This vet is also a part of a foundation. They are known all over our area, and I have never heard a complaint.

9 comments posted: Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

My H as decided to stop eating. 😢

This has just happened today.

He slept really late today. I know I should, but I don’t keep him to a real schedule because some nights he doesn’t sleep at all, so I let him sleep till he wakes up.

Early afternoon I went in and ask if he was going to eat. He just shook his head. Then he said he was not going to be eating anymore. I asked what about his meds. "No". I asked why. He said he was tired of me being mean to him.

It has been tough lately. Sometimes I don’t get sleep because he gets hot during the night. We go through changing out covers from heavy to light, checking blood pressure, and spraying him down with water..face and chest/abdomen. Usually takes him a few hours to cool down when that happens.

So we are both worn out. He gets angry when I don’t give him muscle relaxers, pain meds, and Valium at the same time. Even though the nurse has explained what combinations to be careful with. Says I treat him like a child.

In serious conversations about end of life decisions, he has said that he wants to be as pain free as possible. So this is a contradiction.

I talked with my niece – a hospice nurse – and she told me that I should probably just "wait and see". That he was probably just in a bad mood or angry with me, and he will probably get hungry or get in pain and decide to have either food or medication. When I consulted her about it, I was mostly wanting to know how to handle this situation with his healthcare providers. I don’t feel like I can just sit on this information and not share it with them.

I’m not going to try to force him to eat or whatever, but I don’t know how to take care of him, if he wants no care. Our frustration level is high.

He currently has a skin abrasion on his back. The NP has seen it, and we put duoderm on it, but he needs to be turned. I didn’t think to ask if he was going to allow me to turn him, clean his catheter, etc.

What is the possibility that he’s just angry?

10 comments posted: Friday, January 19th, 2024

Is there a lawyer nearby?

My son was arrested last night. The charge was/is failure to appear. So they have explained to him that he cannot post bail. He is telling me that he went to court in November and they rescheduled till December, and he went to court in December and they rescheduled to January.

I called the lawyer in town who represented my younger son recently. Someone on his staff told me that she looked up his name and it showed that he was represented by a public defender, and so they could not help him because he already had a lawyer.

I called the public defenders office and an office personnel told me that a public defender had – past tense – represented my son, but he did not show up in court in December. And that now he will have to wait for another court date in order to be appointed a public defender again. That the appointment does not carry over from case to case.

Does this mean that in reality, he does not have a lawyer at this time from the public defenders office, and therefore a private lawyer could help him?

So he cannot get another Public Defender until he goes back to court, is that correct?

If I were to obtain the services of a private lawyer, would he be able to get anything done before a court date can be set? If not, it doesn’t make sense to me to waste the money.

Of course, my son could always be misrepresenting his situation to me. But he has been in and out of misdemeanor type trouble for many years, and I have never known him to miss a court date.

I guess I am trying to find a way to get him some help about not being credited for going to court in December. So, if he can’t get a public defender until he goes to court, is there no recourse to check records or somehow find out why he wasn’t accounted for in court in December? I know mistakes can be made anywhere, but if someone failed to account for his presence in court in December, is that just a "shit out of luck" situation?

9 comments posted: Friday, January 12th, 2024

Ant experience with Puravive anyone?

I was just asking because I’m hoping to put some effort into losing some weight this year, and I have recently heard about this new product concerning brown fat cells.

Anytime I see a new product like this advertised online, I immediately try to go to "scam alert" sites to read reports.

But this seems pretty weird, because everything I pull up online to read about that product, is somehow linked back to ordering it. So that can’t be a legitimately unbiased opinion.

Any of you all tried it? Or heard of it? Or know anything about it?

4 comments posted: Tuesday, December 26th, 2023

So…got really sad news today

My granddaughters mother has just found out that her best friend… 26 years old… has been diagnosed with a benign brain tumor, and MSA. "Multiple system atrophy".

I had never heard of it, and so I had to look it up. It is a distant cousin to Parkinson’s, and ALS. It is a terminal illness. The lifespan post diagnosis is usually between 6 to 10 years… Although it can happen much more quickly in some cases. Who would think a diagnosis of a brain tumor would be insignificant. Comparatively speaking.

And so I am trying to counsel my "daughter-in-law" to be ready for the emotional roller coaster she will be on with her friend over the next few years. Based on their relationship, she will be her touchtone through all of this.

And as if the situation could be any worse, she has a four-year-old child, who happens to be my grandson. 😢

So… From time to time please send your thoughts and prayers - mojo - whatever, this way for her. And for my "daughter in law"…my grandson…and me.

14 comments posted: Tuesday, December 12th, 2023

I need some help with phone service

I don’t know if I’m supposed to mention companies by name. I am with one of the big two or three phone companies. We changed from the other "big phone company" a year or two ago. My son was looking to build some credit so we put our phones under his name.

I feel like it just costs too much for the way that my husband and I use phones. My husband just talks on the phone and sometimes will text. I bet he doesn’t Google anything except once a month or something. I was thinking maybe he needed some thing like a month to month card or something.

I use my phone all the time… To manage our home, set up his appointments, etc. I’m constantly googling addresses and phone numbers and locations, etc.

Currently we have Wi-Fi, TV, and phones, and our cost is well over $300 a month. I am wanting to reduce the phone to one of the $30 a month kind of plans. I don’t really need all that many GB due to having Wi-Fi at my house, and the fact that it is almost everywhere. I do however use my phone gps a lot.

So, what do y’all recommend for our service?

I was particularly drawn to a service that is owned by an actor that I have recently seen a lot of ads about. It is affordable, but I have found out what company they use and I have had troubles with that company before. With bad connection.

I simply have to cut some corners financially and so this is one of the areas I think we could save a little bit of money each month.

TV is a total MUST for us. My husband is in bed 90% of the time it has nothing else that he can do. And I am always nearby within monitor range, and need my TV to pass the time as well.

I’m guessing by the way I’m asking questions, you all can see that I don’t even know what I’m talking about. I want to have Wi-Fi at my house so that I don’t have to pay for unlimited data on my phone. I want to have TV, but I don’t need all the bells and whistles. Just the stations we like to watch and Netflix and HBO for example. (Can’t miss Real Time) 😊

And I just need my husband to have a sort of basic service, and me to have a more expanded service.

If any of that makes any sense in the technology world, does anybody have any suggestions?

6 comments posted: Tuesday, December 12th, 2023

I’m questioning everything

To tell the truth, I have never had a really high opinion of myself. Think I’m at an all time low.

I’m questioning everything, and I think that can be a heads up to faulty thinking. I can’t be wrong about everything, right?

At this point, my husband’s PCP is a nurse practitioner that comes to the home. She came today, and it was a really upsetting visit. A few weeks ago my husband asked that they do a urine analysis/bloodwork because he felt strongly that he had a UTI. She reluctantly placed the order. We were told by his home health nurse that everything was normal, with the exception of a low platelet count (which is an ongoing issue for him).

My husband thought that he had a UTI because of severe abdominal pain. Throughout his life, after his spinal cord injury, he has had an uncanny ability to "perceive" the onset of a UTI. But now that he is less healthy, and has so much more abdominal pain that we believe is nerve pain, it’s harder for him to know which pain is which.

Today the nurse practitioner asked him how much he had been up lately. He told her that he has not been up. That his abdominal pain is so severe that he cannot get up. She seemed very short with him. I won’t bore you with the entire conversation, but she threw hospice at him, and it seemed very harsh to me. He was sobbing by the time she got finished. I don’t think she was really trying to be hurtful, but I think it was over the top.

She also chastised me for taking his blood pressure too often. The new neurologist, specializing in spine cord injury, has told me that when my husband‘s blood pressure is at a certain level, I should apply Nitro-Bid, a paste on his chest that will reduce his blood pressure. And that I should take his blood pressure every two minutes after that until it begins to come down. Today the NP told us that she strongly disagreed with that woman’s plan of care. That I was not qualified to administer the nitro paste, and that taking H’s bp too often was unproductive and that I was actually making his bp higher. I guess due to my anxiety.

She left saying that instead of hospice, she would call palliative care into our situation. She said she would allow him to take two pain pills a day instead of just one, but only if he was using the second one to get up out of the bed. That otherwise, that would be hospice.

I called our home health nurse after she left. I wanted to get her perspective. We have really loved his home health nurse and she has been very helpful. But in the last month or so it feels to me like she has backed away from us. She doesn’t answer my texts or my phone calls until days later, and sometimes not at all. Maybe that’s the way it supposed to be with home health. Or maybe am I just imagining that our relationship with her has changed?

I have always thought that when you go to a specialist, that you heed their instructions perhaps more than a primary care physician because they have more advanced training in their area. But our nurse practitioner who is his PCP (and a former neurology ICU nurse) has told us that she does not agree with the neurologist’s plan of care for my husband. So if we accept the NP advice, when we see the neurologist again, and she asks about my use of the nitro paste, I don’t know what to tell her. Because if I say that we have decided not to use it, what happens then?

After the nurse practitioner left today, I guess she had convinced my husband that he needed to turn to his other side no matter what pain was involved because he needed to move. She believes his abdominal pain is coming from internal contractures from immobility. My husband hasn't "allowed" me to turn him for a week to 10 days. So when I turned him completely on his opposite side today, I found one of the puppy dogs toys underneath his side. It was a tennis ball. When I removed it, it left a concave place in his hip That has scared me so bad. We have been married for 35 years and he has never gotten a pressure sore under my care. Only from going to the hospital. And that was on his heels. But this is bad. So I called the home health nurse and left a message for her. But she won’t get back in touch with me.

This area is bruised but there is no broken skin at this point. I have him on his side with a wedge enough that there is no pressure on the area. I’m scared to death. I am riddled with guilt. I’m at a loss for knowing what to do. I have promised my husband, short of an overt act to help him end his life, that I will abide by his wishes. So I haven’t "forced" him to roll from side to side when he says he doesn’t want to. So I don’t even know how the toy got under him, but I know that I missed it because I have not turned him. Because he didn’t want me to.

We talk about how we are going to handle certain things, we agree on the process. That he needs to turn, that he needs to get up, etc. But when it comes down to it sometimes, he will say that he’s simply not able to because of the pain. But this is ultimately my fault. I don’t know how bad this pressure sore is going to turn out to be, but it has the potential to be life-threatening I believe.

Everything is in such a bad place right now. My sons at home don’t speak to me anymore unless I speak to them. I’m getting a weird vibe from my son who is incarcerated. So many things are going wrong and I’m beginning to question my ability to discern situation‘s probably. I only share this kind of information with my sister, and one very dear friend. And I feel guilty when I do that, I feel like I am being disloyal to my husband. I have to admit I sometimes feel the same way when I vent to you all, but since you don’t know him, I have told myself it is somehow less disloyal.

Although it may sound like it, don’t mean to be asking you solve any of this mess. I think I might just be looking for your opinion about whether my perceptions about what is going on around me is just perhaps a shitty part of my life, or if I’m somehow perceiving things wrong.

Unill recently, sometimes it felt like my only consolation for quite some time it has been my beloved Maggie. And now that she is gone, I guess I’m feeling things more deeply. I just don’t know.

That’s the problem, I just don’t know. And I don’t know how to find out.

10 comments posted: Saturday, November 18th, 2023

Well I lost my soul sister 😩

My soul sister, Maggie May, had a grand mal seizure a couple of hours ago. I got her to the emergency vet, and they filled her with all types of medication’s. But nothing would quiet her. I guess I was right about her sleep disturbances… She would kick her feet and cry out but I thought it was dreams, because when I would reach over and touch her and talk to her she would take a deep breath and go right back to sleep

The vet told me that it was a bad sign that she had such a high fever and a bad sign that they couldn’t get her to stop seizing, even with propofol, and anti convulsive meds. She told me it would be $4500 for her to stay overnight. She told me that she was very concerned about her and assumed that it would take a neurologist, MRIs, and all types of intervention to even diagnose what is the cause of the seizures. She said that her recommendation was to put her down.

I just don’t have that kind of money. I don’t know if they could’ve helped her. But I just didn’t have that kind of money, especially with my H’s health situation being so precarious. I felt so helpless. So they put her down. She was so miserable. So very miserable. I made sure she could smell my hands and feel me and hear me when it happened.

Now I don’t know where to sleep, because Maggie slept with me every single night at my feet and sometimes around my shoulders. Sometimes she would sit up and lean on the back of the couch, and lay her head to the side on the back of the couch. So I would sit up with her and I would lay my head off the back of the couch and we would just sit there and stare at each other.

There have been some really tough times lately, and she was the one that was getting me through it. Just before her seizure hit, she pooped in the floor and I fussed at her really bad and sent her outside. When I went to the door 10 minutes later to let her back in, I noticed that she was shaking all over. She could hardly walk and she was hyperventilating. I wonder if my fussing at her triggered the seizure.

We rushed her to the emergency vet, but they just could not quiet the seizure.

Honestly don’t know what I’m gonna do without her. She would’ve been two years old on Valentine’s Day.

27 comments posted: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

My H’s medical people need to get on the same page!

Lately, the medical advice I’m getting is all over the place. I’m trying to figure out what to do when medical people don’t "agree". They don’t openly disagree, but one will say to do this and one says to do that.

Like blood pressure is an issue. It can go way high, and then not too long afterwards, dip back down with no apparent reason. The nephrologist and the new neurology doc we saw recently are both crazy concerned about it being so high. The nurse practitioner (his PCP) and the home health nurse seem to be less worried since he has no symptoms. The new neurologist says that whether or not he has symptoms, a high blood pressure that stays high for a period of time does damage to vessels.

The nephrologist gave me some blood pressure medicine in case it is too high. The problem is that sometimes on its own it will dip down low, and if I have given him that blood pressure medicine, it goes way low. Once in the hospital that happened. His blood pressure went from 200+ over 130+ and after they gave him the blood pressure lowering medicine, it went to 54/37. People were running around like The Three Stooges. And absolutely no symptoms. They finally figured out in the hospital that with him, his blood pressure goes up and down sporadically, and to give the blood pressure medicine so quickly, without waiting to see if it was going to come down on its own, caused him to almost crash.

So, at home, when it is too high, a home health nurse has told me to continue to take bp every 30 minutes or so and as long as it is going back down, not to panic.

I have been doing the “recheck often and wait and see” approach lately. Over the past few months. And all seems well. Till yesterday, when it was consistently around 200/130ish for 5-6 hours. Finally home health said to give a bp pill. It took another 2 hours to start going down.

Again home health and nurse practitioner aren’t so worried. Due to spinal injury and the whole autonomic dysreflexia thing. The home health nurse told me to reposition his body, and that is when it really started to come down. I really love her, but she is so overworked that lately she’s not returning my calls.

I stay in panic mode a lot of the time, because not being a medical person myself, I’m never certain how to proceed. And he counts on me for everything, including ADLs as well as medication‘s, etc. I’m so afraid for him to stroke out. But I think I’m a little more afraid that if I give medicine to him immediately, and then it does that thing that his blood pressure does sometimes and dips down quickly, then the combination of that and the pill will put it so low that there will be nothing I can do to get him back.

I am pretty good about doing what I’m told by medical professionals. But when they disagree, I’m not sure what to do.

Any common sense recommendations?

5 comments posted: Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

Hashimoto’s disease

Found out yesterday that my bloodwork indicates that I have Hashimoto’s. My T3 and T4 levels were high but within the range, and my TSH was on the outer limits of the range. My thyroid antibodies however, were a bit worse. The reading should not be more than seven, or perhaps nine on the very outer limits. My level was 143! When I do something, I try to go ALL the way! 🙃

The really sad part is that I went online and found several references to the following needed diet changes:

1. Gluten free
2. Sugar free
3. Dairy free
4. Low glycemic, and…
5. Paleo

Ok, really?

My morning cereal alone is a 3 time loser … gluten, sugar, and dairy.

They have prescribed synthetic thyroid, of course, but I have been tempted to just ignore the whole problem. In the big picture, this is not near the problem as so many other medical issues. Then I researched that approach, and it turns out that untreated Hashimoto’s can lead to heart issues, coma, and/or death.

Let me think about it…. Just kidding.

11 comments posted: Thursday, October 19th, 2023

So…it seems my son is engaged?

The ? refers to the fact that I have not heard it from his mouth yet.

This is my oldest son who is the father of the granddaughter that has been in my life so very much. My son and her mother finally called it quits about a year ago after a few years of switching the amount of interest each had in making that relationship work. Now he is seeing a different person for the last five months or so. She has a 10 year old daughter.

He seems to really like this lady. It appears to me that one of the main draws this lady and her daughter have for him is the fact that they have not had easy lives. They live with her grandparents who are not entirely supportive / welcoming to them. He tells me that they sometimes don’t get enough to eat, and have lived "less than" lives. For example, when they went together and got her daughter and my granddaughter pumpkins and they made jack-o’-lanterns out of them, and we ate and baked pumpkin seeds, he told me that this is the first time her daughter had ever cut a jack-o’-lantern.

My son is a very sensitive person and he would give the shirt off of his back to his friends. But this is no reason to marry. #1

#2… My sister-in-law tells me that when my son and his friend were over at her house the other day, helping her with some heavy work, that my son was arguing with her on the phone. That she could hear the girl accusing my son of not really being at my SIL’s house and helping her. I guess the girl was suggesting that he was with someone else? She ended the conversation and my said out loud that he was going to disconnect her phone, because he was the one paying for it. Later, I found out through her granddaughter that follows my son on Facebook, that he had changed his "status" to "single". That was maybe 10 days ago.

And, perhaps selfishly…#3 is that I’m guessing he will be asking / suggesting that if/when they get married, they will come here to live.

And #4, she is on some kind of probation that my son does not want to share with me. I don’t know what kind of trouble she was in and I understand mistakes, but we don’t need any more issues" in this home.

Also, I’m gonna say that I feel that my son has been seeing his daughter less since these two have come into his life. And that is SO not OK, at least with me. Not that it’s really my business.

I’m not trying to be negative about this relationship, seriously. And I am trying to "practice" the appropriate response when he finally does tell me about his "engagement". Do I act surprised? I’m basically an honest person, so I’m not going to pretend I didn’t know. But do I immediately present "issues" with the situation because I ask him why he didn’t tell me?

I am remembering a comment my son made to me a week or two ago… Maybe a month… That he knew that mother of his daughter was engaged now. And I wonder if he is trying to rush this relationship based somewhat on that fact. I have never really thought that he was completely over her.

So I guess I’m just wanting some input about how to handle this with him. Do I carefully point out some of my concerns? Or do I just say congratulations and let it go at that? I know what it is like for parents not to support marriage and I don’t want to do that to him.

But this is more than a little concerning.

5 comments posted: Monday, October 16th, 2023

A question about vibration plates

A while back, I found an inexpensive vibration plate. A very dear friend of mine uses one and swears by it. Of course, she is younger, and in much better shape, so she does a lot of exercises on hers while she’s standing on it.

Anyway, I used it for two or three days in a row, and thought everything was fine. Then my knee started hurting… The one with the knee replacement. So I started reading online about them. And I found that it said that someone with a joint replacement or a metal pin in their body, should not use the vibration plate. It said that too much vibration could loosen pins and screws in the body and cause the need to redo the procedure.

Today I had to go see my doctor about recent bone scan results… Seems I have osteopenia now, close to osteoporosis. Anyway, before I left, I asked him about the vibration plate. He sort of surprised me when he bluntly said, "I’m not an orthopedist, so take what I say, with a grain of salt, however, it sounds to me like the company had a lawyer, and he suggested that they write those words in their advertisements so that they could be protected… Just in case". Then he said, " I can’t imagine that you have a replacement or a pin in your leg that a vibration plate could cause to dislodge."

He said, "every day you ride in a car and do things that have vibrations, so I can’t imagine it would be a problem.

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you knew anything about this. I have to admit that, after a couple of days of using it, my knee with the knee replacement was sore and hurting. I really like using it, but I don’t like it enough to get a second knee replacement on the same knee!

Anybody know anything about this?

2 comments posted: Thursday, September 21st, 2023

I’m not doing great…

I am struggling.

I am filled with worry and fear.

I am rudderless.

I need to have at least an idea of what choices to make and what to do next.

At this point, my husband’s health is fairly uneventful, in a good way. He is building up some strength. Is pushing up and down the road…going to church. OTOH a really bad infection could take his life quickly. I’m afraid. OTOH, because of his strength, he could live far longer. OTOH sometimes he tells me he is so tired and sometimes hurts so bad, he wishes he would just die.

I am so fearful about my boys. I am sick with fear that my son will be hurt in prison. I’m afraid my middle son might hurt himself, or just continue drinking himself to death.

I worry about my grandchildren. The world is so crazy right now. I am beside myself with fear that my kids or my grandkids could be homeless or worse.

We are facing having to let our insurance policies go. Then there will be nothing for our kids when we’re gone.

I don’t mean to imply that my situation is worse than anyone else’s. It’s just that I am not managing my concern and response to what life throws at me very well.

There’s no money for counseling.

My H is not emotionally available for emotional support.

I have a need to be prepared for things. But I can’t see any answers.

What do y’all do when you feel like you are drowning?

I am abusing "The Serenity Prayer" these days. 😏

11 comments posted: Friday, September 15th, 2023

Question about virus alerts

In my old age, I am becoming very skeptical. I am lying, I guess, because I have always been skeptical.

Anyway, I play a game on my iPad every day, and I am constantly getting "WARNING!" popping up on my screen. It says that my memory is full and that I need to "clean up" my photos or something. Then, miraculously, they just happen to connect me with an app that will do this for me. I just ignore it because I imagine they are just wanting me to PAY for whatever app they are pushing.

Now, on my phone I just got a big ALERT saying that I have picked up some kind of virus or something from a website I was on and I should get some app to clean it up before someone steals all my info/pictures. And I just need to click on this app to take care of that.

First of all, I have no idea if I am really having those issues. But even more of a fear is that if I click on whatever apps they offer me, it is actually some thing that will threaten the integrity of my devices even more.

Can someone who is well-versed on these matters let me know if I should take my telephones advice, or if they are just trying to mess with me?

Thank you.

5 comments posted: Thursday, September 7th, 2023

My year and a half old puppy has become incontinent 😞

I have just recently noticed this. I can’t imagine that I would not have noticed it before if it was happening, seeing that she sleeps with me. But a week or so ago she went into our bedroom where my husband was in the bed with our new dachshund puppy. The year and a half old puppy and the new dachshund puppy are best friends. But when I went to get the older dog to bring her into the other room with me, I noticed that the bed was wet where she was lying.

Tonight, again she was with the younger puppy, and again the bed was wet where she had been lying.

I brought her into the den with me and she was lying on the couch. Then she got up to go lie on the floor. I assumed it was because the floor was cool and it’s hot here. But then I felt the protective cover that I have over the couch, and it was wet. I had noticed earlier that she was bathing herself in that area, but I hadn’t thought anything about it really.

I went to the Internet to try to get some information, and a surprising amount of the articles included the question of whether or not incontinent young dogs should be euthanized. What???

Uhhhh…Hell no!

I think I may have mentioned it to you all earlier, but this is my dog that has terrible nightmares… Or seizures. I’m not really sure how to tell the difference. She shakes and jerks in her sleep, and whines. I just hold her and talk to her and she wakes up and stops the jerking. I’ve told myself that if she was really having seizures, that my touch or my voice would not stop the seizure. But now I’m wondering if these two things are related?

It has broken my heart. Not because of the mess, but because I don’t want there to be something wrong with her. This dog is my strength. We ar soul sisters. I’m really scared.

I don’t know what it will mean for her for the rest of her life. I don’t know if there’s anything that can be done to help her.

Do any of you have any experience with or knowledge of this problem?

10 comments posted: Saturday, August 12th, 2023

I’m hearing my son make threats (?) about me…don’t know what to do.

My son has mental health issues. They are escalating.

He is still drinking. He hates me. Tonight I’m actually afraid for my safety.

Tonight started out with me picking him up from work. Normally if he is late coming out to the car, I just wait. No big deal. But tonight I was supposed to meet some friends for dinner and ‘catching up’ and I was already going to be late. So I called and told him I had dinner plans and whenever he was finished with what he needed to do, would he please come on out so we could get going. Came out in 15 minutes. Explained he had to stay to finish something. I said it was fine. That I just called to let him know about my plans in case he was just talking with coworkers.

Drive home was pretty much uneventful. Same as always. He puts in ear pieces and turns on his music. My friend from across country calls as she does most days as we are driving home. Our 7:00 pm is her 5:00 pm. This pisses him off…even though he isn’t talking to me. She and I talk 15 minutes…half the trip home.

I drop him off at home and drive to the dinner.

When I get home, he is outside with his music jacked way up. But it’s only 9:30 so I say nothing. I take care of my husband’s medication. I go to our den where I sleep. Turn on the TV low to lull me to sleep. Have to be up in 4 hours to prepare for more of my H’s medication.

Then I hear a very loud rumbling sound. It’s about 11:00 now. I step outside to the front porch and ask what the noise is. He shows me his latest toy. A big boom box kind of thing, with a microphone. And he is talking into it really loud. I just shake my head and go inside.

In no time, he has the microphone and music jacked way up. I open the door and ask him to turn it down. He mouths something, and I say, more forcefully, "It’s late, You need to turn it down".

He stomps into where I am and screams at me. I can’t even remember exactly what. I tell him he needs to grow up. He tells me the same thing.

Now he’s super pissed. He jacks the music up even louder. It’s 11:45 PM. I wait about 10 minutes, then go outside and tell him he needs to turn it down. That it is almost midnight. He says the neighbors don’t care. That I’m the only one who cares. I tell him more strongly to turn it down. He gets up and comes toward me. I’m actually a bit fearful. But then I see he is coming towards me because he has set the boom box right outside my door. So he moves it, but keeps it loud. I come inside.

This is awful (my opinion) music. F-ing this and f-ing that. I’m humiliated in my neighborhood. I’m certain people can hear even the lyrics it’s so loud. But no one ever calls the police. I’m sure if they did, he would say that it was me who called.

After about 10 minutes, he turns it completely off.

Then he calls someone. Starts screaming (about me) into the phone. I’m the worst f—— mother in the world…not even a mother…certainly not HIS mother. (I don’t know if he was referring to the fact that he is adopted). Lots and lots of out of control yelling to his friend about me.

Then I hear…"I’m about to f—- her up." "It’s either her or me." I was actually afraid of my own son.

Now, 2 hours later, it is quieter. Still talking sh#t about me, but also about saving his money so he can get a vehicle and go to another state to live. One where he can transfer from where he works now to another one of their stores.

He has worked there for about 15 months. 3 days ago he was talking about joining in a lawsuit against the company because they don’t let them take breaks. (Warehouse work).

I try to make sense of all this.

Whenever he goes off to me or to a friend about me, he always includes something like "She has no idea who I am!"

Once, when we were headed to his work, just about a mile from the house, (I have taken him to and from work for about a year now) and he had his music on REALLY loud. I asked him to please put his earplugs in. He refused. Yelling. "You’re going to listen to this!" "You need to listen to this!"

I explained that I wasn’t going to be forced to listen to it for 30 minutes on the way to his work. He said that "Yes I was! Then he whipped out his phone and said he was going to record me. That he was going to show people how terrible I am. I told him I would like to give him a ride to work if he wanted me to, but that I wasn’t going to be forced to do something I didn’t choose to do. He just kept the phone on me, so I drove back home.

I recognized the song from something he plays a lot while he sits on the porch. I remember it because whenever I go in or out of the house, he turns it way up. It is sort of a "I’m so misunderstood" and "Nobody cares" kind of music. Except it’s full of foul (to me) language, and very "woe is me".

I had to go pick up my SIL and when I got back I asked him…"Are you sure you don’t want me to take you to work?" He said he had already called his boss to explain that he couldn’t get to work because I wouldn’t take him. Said he had been fired. The next morning he asked if I would take him to work…as if none of it had happened.

This happens in waves. Every so often. Lately it happens more often, and is more intense. He doesn’t take his meds. He drinks most days.

I tell my H and he says to call the police. When I say no, he says he doesn’t know what else to do.

Now he is going in and out of the house, opening and closing doors. I don’t know if he is just being dramatic, or if he has a friend coming to get him. Or maybe he’s going to live in the truck?

I don’t want to open a blind or go near the front door, afraid of what it will start.

Sorry about the novel. I have no idea why I’m telling y’all all of this. Maybe burning off anxiety.

I just don’t know what to do.

23 comments posted: Friday, July 28th, 2023

Profile editing

How do I edit my profile?

1 comment posted: Saturday, July 22nd, 2023

Help!!! Medical People..I need your input

What if a PICC line doesn’t have a cap?

H is home from the hospital with a PICC line and I am infusing Meropenem every 8 hours for 6 weeks.

I was told by the company that provides the "medicine balls" of meropenem, that there is a national/worldwide? sortage on caps for the end of the line. This has horrified me. Until tonight, I have managed to get as many caps as I could possibly find, including some donations from our home health nurse. But as I knew would happen, tonight I am faced with no end cap after I finish with the antibiotic, flush with saline, and them with heparin.

Does this horrify you medical people as much as it is horrifying me?

The nurses that were helping with my husband‘s discharge from the hospital heard me speaking with the company that provides the medication. They said that, yes, there was a widespread shortage, and that it would be OK. A member of the IV team that placed the PICC line said that there was some sort of mechanism inside the end of the line that the saline and heparin engage and it withdraws so that the fluid can go in. And that when I remove the saline and heparin push, that part of the end of the PICC line "reseeds" into the end of the PICC line and prevents contamination.

(Sorry that explanation sucks, but I don’t speak "medical").

The home health nurse I am really trust has told me that it would be fine. I have asked her if I should rubber band an alcohol prep pad over the end of the line. Or maybe I could soak the used cap I took off, in some alcohol and then reuse it? Almost anything seems better than just leaving the cap off.

What do you all think? If I simply cannot get a hold of a cap each time every day, is there some way I should "rig" the end of that line so that it could be protected?

3 comments posted: Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

Stupid things we do!

I’m an idiot so sometimes I do idiotic things. Even if I am embarrassed, I can’t help laughing at myself. And then later I relive it and get another belly laugh. Usually around strangers at the store or something. grin

So, please share some funny stuff you have done so we can have a good laugh. We all need that, right?

I’ll go first…

My 2 sisters, and a friend went to Ireland together a long while ago. Maybe 20 years. And it still cracks me up. And when I say "cracks me up", I mean hysterical, shooting milk out your nose laughing.)

I was the designated photographer and we had stopped at one of a million cliffs. My sisters and the friend headed to the car parked in a small lot, and I finished up with some pictures.

As I was headed down the hill to the parking lot, I saw my sister backing out of the parking space, and heading out of the lot. I ran toward the car, (I could still run then 😏). When I reached the car, I banged on the rear window. She stopped the car and I jumped in.

When the people in the front seat turned around…it wasn’t my sisters. An older couple just starred at me. And then at each other.. WRONG CAR.

I just said, "Oops, wrong car!" and hightailed it out of that car. tongue

Meanwhile, my sisters were watching (horrified). My oldest was driving, and she was humiliated. (Very proper…hard to believe we were blood!)

But I wasn’t humiliated at all - I was laughing so hard that I almost choked myself. I finally I got a hold of myself, but in about 10-15 minutes I relived it and would bray like a donkey. This went on the whole time (a couple of hours) till we got to the place we were staying that night.

And, I can’t believe I’m telling y’all this, but while I’m typing this, I am laughing so hard that I farted so loud I woke up my husband who is trying to get some rest in the hospitals. laugh

And now I’m laughing about that!

Come on y’all, I know there are some clowns out there. Help me (and everybody) get a good laugh today!

19 comments posted: Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

What do y’all know about reverse mortgage?

I’m a worrier, as many of you may know.

With all of the hospital visits, we have experienced recently, and other financial obligations, I lie awake at night worrying about money. I know lots and lots people do.

Anyone familiar with the "ins and outs of reverse mortgages?

I think I get the jest of it… You basically take a loan out for whatever they value your home, and you may either choose to pay it back however you are able, or not pay at all, and your home belongs to the bank when the last owner is gone.

I guess that is an option for us because we are fortunate to own our home outright at this point.

I am concerned about 2 things. What if we outlive the life of the loan? A prolonged old age illness haunts me.

And…if we do need the reverse loan, when the 2nd one of us goes, the bank takes the house and my sons are homeless.

Am I understanding the concept correctly?

6 comments posted: Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

Medical logistic question

This regards my husband…

I may have shared before that we have seen the same PCP for about 35 years. He retired last year, and we are less than impressed with his replacement.

Also, we changed urologist for my husband due to location, and I actually didn’t really care for the other urologist.(I guess we’re too finicky.)

And… Because of his repeated UTIs, we have added an infectious disease doctor from the hospital into our "inner circle".

And, we have Home Health that comes out to the house.

So, these are my questions…

- Who orders a urine culture?

My husband gets these so often that they come between appointments with any of these doctors. What has been happening I think is that my husband tells the home health nurse about his symptoms, and she takes the urine in for culture. There are ALWAYS over 100,000 gram positive readings. (Am I saying that right?) I’m trying to get this clarified, but I also believe that she then has the results of the culture sent to the PCP, urologist, and ID doctor. Is that "proper" protocol? Our Home Health nurse is very eager and willing to get my husband what he needs, and is willing to do whatever it takes. But I don’t want her to be reprimanded for sending in urine for a culture without a doctors order, if that’s an issue.

- Who will be the doctor to actually decide whether or not the infection will be treated, and if so, with what medication?

It’s our understanding that our urologist defers to the ID doctor, if the infection is either questionable, or definitely needs anabiotic intervention. But I’m not sure how the PCP is involved. The PCPs office called this morning and wanted to know who ordered the urine culture. So if it is the PCP who is supposed to place the order, then it sounds like he’s got his panties in a wad about this.

We are in the process of my H becoming a patient of a nurse practitioner who comes to the home (with MD oversight). Amazingly, she also also does palliative care. We are waiting to be called by her to get H set up with her.

- Once we are with the NP, who comes for home visits, hopefully this will take our new/current/unimpressive PCP out of the mix. But does that mean that the physician that works with the nurse practitioner would need to be the one who diagnoses/prescribes antibiotics for these weird bacteria that he gets so often?

We want the infectious disease doctor to call those shots whenever possible. I just don’t know how all this works together.

The ID doctor certainly would not serve as a PCP because of her specialty, but a PCP does not have the specialized training for the kind of infections in the situation. My H is in.

I’m beginning to get the sinking feeling that the seriousness of my husband’s condition might be an issue concerning what infection the doctor chooses to treat. I worry that whatever doctor is in charge of choosing what to prescribe and when not to prescribe might be somewhat influenced by what would keep my H alive the longest. But that is not his first consideration. He wants to live as long as is possible, of course, but not if he will be miserable.

We have been trying to get palliative care for a few months now, but our hospital has only palliative care providers who work with patients while in hospital. And since our home health nurse has found this nurse practitioner whom she has a great deal of confidence in, and the fact that she does palliative care also, AND comes to the home, that seems a perfect fit. Waiting, waiting, waiting to hear from her.

We understand that hospice is an alternative at this point probably. But my husband has determined that he wants to continue to treat these bad infections, and while basic UTIs can be treated with oral meds while in hospice, the type of meds required for his infections…usually IV…are not allowed with hospice.

So, I’m just trying to untangle / understand how all this works together, while honoring his wishes.

Sorry this is so long. Did any of that make any sense?

18 comments posted: Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

A question regarding saving pictures

Ok, I’m older than most of you I imagine, and most of my pictures are the old kind…prints…the kind you hold in your hand - not on your phone. (You may have read about them. 😊)

Anyway, I am in the process of putting photo albums together for my boys. So I am going through these thousands of photos. Today, I found that many of them are actually stuck together. 😢

I was wondering if any of you know a trick of how to separate them without damaging them?

1 comment posted: Saturday, May 20th, 2023

A light topic to release a recently heavy mind!

I know this may sound ridiculous, and I am very certain that it is because of my nerdiness and my age, but I absolutely cannot look at an emoji face, for example, and actually know what it really means.

For example, there are 500 million different Emoji’s with a smiling face. And there are so many crying faces. I never know which one to use.

And to be honest, I think I have very much used some inappropriately. 😟
(Was that right?)

I can’t remember what it was, but one time I sent an emoji face to my youngest child, And he texted me back and said, "Mom, what was that for?" As if the emoji I sent was supposed to be sent to indicate he did something wrong.

For example…

What does 😵 mean?

And what is the difference between 🤪, 😜, and 😛???

I shudder to think what inappropriate messages I have sent innocently. 😳

(Was that the right one?)

11 comments posted: Monday, May 1st, 2023

I have a heartbreaking, frightening, difficult situation

If you are familiar with my situation, my H and I have sons…all adopted…all with issues from birth mothers’ substance abuse during pregnancy. All of them saw a neuropsychologist every two years from age 5ish - 15ish years old.

We have all kinds of challenges within our family these days, but very recently I have a new, disabling fear.

One of our sons suffers from some mental issues. He has fetal alcohol syndrome. He has had suicidal ideation several different times in his life. He has spent a week in a psychiatric unit on two different occasions. He has told me that he has been diagnosed with psychosis. He used to use very "hard drugs" and has told me that on 4 different occasions he had to be brought back to life after extreme drug use. He generally exaggerates, but without knowing for sure, I have decided to accept his accounts of these things that I have not personally witnessed. Better to take him seriously than to assume exaggeration and therefore underestimate the seriousness.

Presently, (for some time now) he is showing some additional concerning behavior. He is drinking more and more. At home…at work. He isolates himself in his truck in our driveway, EVERY NIGHT from the time he gets off work…7:00 pm - anywhere from 4-8 hours playing shooting / violent video games and playing loud, offensive (to me) music. He rarely interacts with us. Doesn’t go anywhere without his backpack - I think alcohol inside.

Historically he has been avoidant of conflict. He says he was picked on in school by one of his brothers, but I have no way to know for certain, because he is very often ‘the victim’. When he was in his early teens, he once told his younger brother that one day he was going to kill the family. When he saw his brother’s shocked reaction, he amended his statement, stating, "Well, not Dad or older brother, but you and Mom."

I finally got him to go to rehab about 2-3 years ago, and he really took to it. Counselor said he was "all in". Came out with big plans to not only keep sober, but also getting his life in general better organized. Playing different, uplifting music. Calm. Optimistic. Short lived.

Currently he has the best job he has ever had, has been there for over a year, and likes it. He has been having vehicle issues for around 9 months now, so I take him to and from work every day while he saves up for a new (to him) vehicle. Got a big tax return check, and proceeded to blow all of it. I didn’t know what all he bought, but some of it was just electronic "toys", etc. No new vehicle.

A few weeks ago, when it was time to go to work, he was gone from the house. I called him, but his phone had been turned off. He doesn’t share last names, phone numbers, or addresses of friends. I couldn’t get in touch with him just to see if he was ok. I had a bad feeling, so I was really scared. Not like him to blow off work. Finally my oldest son got a hold of him through Facebook or something, and he was out of town, "overslept", and had made it to work several hours late. I’m guessing he was drunk.

Then he was simply gone without a word again a couple of weeks ago. It had been very cold that night, and when it was time for work, and he was not in his room, I went out to check his truck. I was concerned about hypothermia maybe. He wasn’t where he usually sits in the drivers seat, but I looked into the back seat which was a bench seat. He wasn’t there either, but to my horror, I saw a gun lying on the back seat. I don’t know guns, but I sent a picture of it to a family member who is an ex- sheriff’s deputy. He said it was not an automatic. More like a pistol with an extended barrel.

It was 3 days after the school shooting in Nashville, TN.

I took it from his truck, and hid it. For 2 weeks. Nothing. Didn’t ask me about it. Until today.

Picked him up from work. Said we needed to talk. Basically told me that he had talked with several police authorities, that I had committed a felony robbery of his gun, and if I didn’t give it back to him, he was going to call the cops and get me put in jail. Proceeded to further recall 10,000 horrible things I have said and done since the beginning of time.

To my credit, I remained calm. Told him I had been waiting to talk to him about it - and welcomed it. After that, every time I spoke, he got madder and madder, and accused me of more and more. So, I finally said that if I wasn’t going to be able to have a conversation with him, there was no reason to continue to talk about it at this time. And that he would just have to do what he had to do. He said he was going to call the police.

So, in front of him I called my sister and explained that I might be away from home for a few days (?) and would she look after my H. I briefly explained why.

When we got home, he talked to my H about the situation and, to my surprise, got no sympathy from H. Told me I could give him the gun, give him $700 or he was calling the police.

I spoke again with my family member re the situation. He laughed. Said no cop in the world would characterize my actions as robbery. Said at the very worst, could be burglary. Said that if the police came, they would want our "stories". Said I should explain that I wasn’t stealing the gun, but rather securing it, that I had grand babies at my home from time to time, and that my intent would be understood.

But…also said that there was no way that they would arrest me, but would probably tell me to return it to my son. And…I can not - will not do it.

I’m scared. For my son. He seems to be spiraling lately - what usually happens prior to a psych in patient stay.

Also, for our family. He really loves his dad and I think would never harm him. But he really dislikes me, and I am concerned about what would become of my H if something happened to me.

But mostly, I’m feeling really petrified when I allow myself to wonder if I am worrying too much, or if my fears could be justified. I would walk through fire to protect my kids, but I cannot dismiss my worries if it is possible that my son could hurt people.

As far as the police go, if told to give the gun back, I would explain my concerns.

But…if they don’t accept that, I cannot refuse. They would find it at my house, and I can’t afford to be away from H. Even if I don’t give it back, he could always buy another one, and just hide it better.

Y’all, am I just overreacting?

Should I feel the way I do?

I would go to hell and back for him, but I must take every precaution I can to prevent him from hurting others.

And if you agree with my concerns, what do I do? Who do I call?

I hear, after one of these horrific shootings, that "If only they had warned people, or tried to get help".

Who would I call to say that I’m concerned that my son might hurt someone?

I can’t bear to even entertain these thoughts about my son. I cannot fathom that he would ever hurt anyone. My oldest son feels differently - says he has tried to stab him on several occasions. Oldest son is a black belt and was able to prevent it. But i also cannot afford to put others in danger with my lack of action.

Please help me.

47 comments posted: Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

Happy Easter !!!

Good morning everyone—-and Happy Easter!!!

Whether your Easter involves crosses or bunnies (or both 😊)…I hope it’s a good one!

3 comments posted: Sunday, April 9th, 2023

I’m getting a new baby!!!!!

OK… I’ve had dogs my whole life. I can never remember back far enough that I did not have at least one dog. We are a family of five and through much of our family life, each of us has had a dog. So five dogs at a time.

Recently, I had three dogs that were getting older, and two of them passed away within six months of each other. The one that was left was despondent. It was so sad.

Anyway, in the last year and a half I have two new dogs, for a total of three. They are SO awesome! And I had resigned myself to the fact that I would never have another new puppy, because I’m getting old enough to where I have to be responsible for what happens if they outlive me, Anyway, I always said that I would never have another puppy unless it was a female, miniature, dachshund puppy. But I knew it would never happen, because they are so very expensive.

But tonight, out of the clear blue, my granddaughter’s mama sent me a picture of a puppy, a couple of hours from us that is a red, female, eight week old, miniature dachshund that needs to be rehomed.

Long story short… We will be traveling Sunday morning to get her! I am so very very, very excited! And, although my H thinks, I’m nuts, I know that he’s happy too. Because our favorite dog that we have ever had was a small miniature dachshund that adored him so much. And this little puppy is very docile and quiet, and I know that she will love to lie in the bed with him during the day, and they will fall in love.

I’m just so excited!!!

If only I knew how to post a picture, I would let you see her.

260 comments posted: Saturday, April 1st, 2023

Prayers / Good thoughts for Nashville 😞

Yet another senseless tragedy.

This time, 9 year old angels, plus 3 adult employees.

When will it stop?

8 comments posted: Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

I’m in a bad place

I don’t really want to go on and on like I usually do.

I just want to say that I’m in a dark place. I can’t sleep. I’m short with people around me.

I spend every minute trying to figure out how to keep my son from getting hurt, raped, or killed in prison.

I get that I have no power with any of that. It doesn’t change my obsession / worry / fear about it. My faith doesn’t change it.

But I don’t know how to live with the reality that it could very well happen. And what it would do to him.

I just want to be able to say, "It is well with my soul." But I never have, and I don’t feel like I ever will.

37 comments posted: Sunday, March 12th, 2023

Custody Question

My son will be going to the county jail due to a second DUI. For 45 days. Or 2 months. I’m not sure.

He has told me that he has repeatedly asked the mother to see his daughter and she has said no. I told him that was totally not right, and that she couldn’t really do that. That he had a right to see his daughter. He said she had blamed it on me, because I am sick. It’s true, I’ve been sick since a day or two after Christmas with sinus infections etc. Just yesterday I found out I have the flu. And so I have called the babies mother and ask them not to come over because I don’t want either one of them to be sick. But I explain to my son that he doesn’t have to see his daughter at my home where he lives. He can take her to a movie, or take her to a playground.

I explained to him that if that persists, he should get an attorney and go to court to set up specific legal parameters. He told me that she has a high dollar lawyer, and he told her that if my son retains a lawyer, he will loose all parental rights. Because of his record.

There may be things on his record that I do not know about, but I do know that these 45-60 days he spends in jail will be the longest he has ever been in jail. Other times he has been arrested for DUI, or driving without a license he has been in jail for two or three nights maybe.

I can’t believe that what he is telling me is actually true.

So either:

… She is being a butt and trying to scare him, or…

… he is being dramatic because he’s so mad at her.

Anyway I tried to let him know that no one with two DUIs is going to have his custody removed. He kept interrupting me and telling me that I always took her side. Then he told me that "this conversation is over.". When I said "OK" he continued the conversation so I just left the room. As I was leaving the room he was of course hollering about how I always took her side, etc.

I love her a lot, but I know that she is not always upfront. But I also know that my son exaggerates situations. Throughout this past summer and fall, he has been unemployed. And the baby and her mother have come over many times, sometimes three and four times a week, and stayed a good bit of the day. And because he stays up all night watching TV, he’s asleep in his room while she’s here. He doesn’t come out of his room to spend time with her…we’ll, not very often. So I’m thinking that a good part of this is him wanting to manipulate her to be with him. I just don’t know.

I didn’t know that he loves the baby a great deal. He’s really troubled now. This past late summer is when he and my other son got into a fistfight. Most of the time he is very docile and agreeable. He helps me around the house, etc. Talks all the time about how great he and his brother are getting along now. Helped me set up his room the other day and told me that he was going to introduce him to non-alcoholic "beer" so that maybe he would cut down on his drinking.

But also, he just is so down. And I am concerned about him going to jail for a couple of months in that frame of mind. When he is having mood issues, he is very quick tempered. And I know that that is just not an option in jail if he is wantng to stay out of trouble. I can’t stand the thought of him getting hurt.

I guess I’m mostly wanting to know if any of you know under what circumstances he could have his rights to see his daughter taken away from him.

10 comments posted: Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

Is it just me, or is there an issue with “Stupid Picture Friday”?

When I go to it, there is nothing there. Jut the name of he poster, and nothing underneath.

I am a computer idiot, so it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that it’s just me.

9 comments posted: Saturday, February 4th, 2023

Something positive 👍👍👍

I feel like so many times I post here when things are bad. So I wanted to share a "good day" I had yesterday.

A little bit of background is that my oldest son, age 30, is presently unemployed, and next week will be going to county jail for 45 days due to a second DUI. My middle child, 27, has bad issues regarding addiction some concerning psychological issues. He has a good job now, one that he likes, and he’s doing well with it. He is cutting out all heavy drugs, and trying to cut down on his alcohol. He is quite antisocial with us at home. He really really doesn’t like me. He adores his father, but since his dad is in the bed 24 seven, they don’t have a great deal of interaction. My baby, 26, is incarcerated, awaiting sentencing for a federal offense.j

Anyway, that’s not the good news… Thankfully!

My middle son has been sleeping on my couch for at least a couple of years. (He wasn’t allowed to live at the house until he cleaned up his act with drugs and heavy drinking ) He and I are constantly having words about his things scattered all over my living room. I remind him that "This is the living room" and his response is, "This is my bedroom". 🤨

Anyway, the reason he has been on the couch is because we have only 3 bedrooms, and H & I have one, and oldest son has another. The third bedroom is a little sitting, reading room - mostly for me. I have decided to give it to him as his bedroom. So for his birthday we promised him a tv for that room. I have been pushing him to get an extra bed at our house put into that room and get it fixed up as his bedroom. I have moved out some of the furniture, and I have taken out all of my "clutter" from in there. But he just can’t get motivated.

Yesterday my oldest, who just months ago had a physical fight with the middle son, was shopping with my sister…helping her with heavy dog food bags, etc.

Now this is where the good part starts… He calls me and tells me that he has found a TV that he thinks my middle son would really like. I said I wanted him to pick it out himself, but he really made an argument for surprising him with it. So he brought it home with him. Then he insisted on setting it up in the room. This room was a total mess, but after I cleaned it out it only has my sons things in it. But it’s still a bit of a mess. But after he set up the TV and programmed it, then he told me that we should move all of my sons things to one side so that there would be room to set up the bed for him. He wanted to surprise him. He told me that he was concerned (as we all have been) with my sons antisocial behavior, sitting in his truck playing games on his phone most nights, and that he thought it could motivate him to get his bedroom set up if we got the tv and bed set up. So we did. When my son got home from work, he was totally surprised. He didn’t act all that excited, but he stayed out of his truck and in his bedroom all evening. They had a friend over and the three of them sat in his room and watched some TV and my middle son actually did a little work in getting his room set up like he wants it. To watch them transform from literally hating each other only months ago, to my oldest son stepping up to help him out was just inspirational.

Then ADDITION, my oldest son has begun to drink some kind of non-alcoholic Budweiser beer. If I’m not supposed to use that name, I apologize. Anyway, he noticed that my son, a couple of nights ago, was drinking his little "cocktail in a can" drinks in his truck. So he told him he ought to try some of this new beer. My middle son gladly accepted, and then they had a conversation about how it was non-alcoholic. My son was telling me last night that his brother said to him that he didn’t really like getting/being drunk. He just really liked the taste of it. Plus he just liked the feeling of doing the honest days work, coming home, and popping open a beer. So he has gotten him to start drinking these nonalcoholic beers. My eldest son came in last night and said, "Mom, I’m just hoping that this can encourage him to stop drinking". I’m getting chills just typing this. (I get it that he should probably not substitute a non-alcoholic "beer" for the real thing. That the idea is to divorce yourself from the thought of it at all, but hopefully this can be a first step.)

Then, as if that wasn’t fabulous enough, yesterday I found out that my youngest son has pretty much decided on a plea deal in his case, and it seems to be positive. We are cautiously optimistic that he could be home by his birthday NEXT year (2024). He seems to be in good spirits about it. Also, this means that whenever sentencing occurs, and he is transferred to whatever prison he will be serving his sentence, he gets to have in person visits. That means that my husband and I will get to see him, which is so fantastic considering I have been worried about some thing happening to my husband before my son gets out of jail. But even more importantly, he will be able to see his lady and his son in person. ❤️❤️❤️

So sorry for the long post, but I was just feeling so blessed yesterday, and I had to share! 😊😊😊

On the other hand, last night I had my first dream about my father since his death. I have been waiting and waiting and waiting now 16 years to have a dream about him. So it finally happened. But instead of a sweet dream with him telling me that he loved me, or just doing something fun together, we were sitting on bleachers, and he looked at me and said, "You know, your mother has lung cancer."

Ok, A,
"Why haven’t you come to me in my dreams before this?"

"Why couldn’t this have been a fun, loving, dream?"

And, C, by the way…
"My mother is dead!"


Sorry for the long long long post.

Y’all have a GREAT day!

5 comments posted: Tuesday, January 31st, 2023

Complication of spaying?

I recently had my 10 month old puppy spayed. About nine days ago. All went well. The staff at the veterinary hospital were efficient, personable with my puppy, etc.

I received instructions regarding postoperative care and followed them. About five nights after the surgery, she was lying next to me on the couch, and ready to fall asleep. When I looked over at her, I noticed that her head was shaking minimally from side to side…like with Parkinson in humans. Her eyes were open and yet when I passed my hand across her line of vision, she did not blink. It took me quite some time to get her to "wake up".

So, I’m thinking a petite mall seizure? The next day she threw up. Since then, nothing. No tremors, no nausea or vomiting. She is back to her perky, excited, "puppyness".

I texted the clinic where she had her surgery and described what had happened. The vet said that they had never had that type of reaction, but that with anesthesia nothing is impossible. She suggested that if it happened again, I videotape so that I can show it to our veterinarian.

Anyone have any idea what could cause such a thing? I’ve been so worried.

The only thing that helps me not be completely hysterical is when I remember that she is very twitchy when she sleeps/dreams.

Any input???

3 comments posted: Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

Medical Peeps- What about P F A P A

My granddaughter has been "diagnosed" with PFAPA. And she has episodes every 4 weeks…almost to the day.

Last week when it flared up again, her mama gave her some prescribed prednisone… One dose, five units.

Her fever almost immediately disappeared and she felt great for several days. Then last night came down with another fever.

Another treatment sometimes used is a tonsillectomy. I have been reading some about it, and I was wondering if any of you all had any special insight about the situation.

Sometimes the tonsillectomy, they say, can take away the flareups and then the condition goes away at about age 10.

But, I’m also reading that removing the tonsils can increase the chances and severity of respiratory illnesses later in life. Also, the prednisone scares me.

I think her mama is leaning toward having the tonsillectomy in hopes that it will just alleviate the situation. She hates to have her miss a lot of school, be sick every 4 to 6 weeks, etc. I am concerned about the effects of the treatments, i.e. prednisone/tonsillectomy. My thought is if the episodes don’t too strongly impact her, that she should just let it run its course.

Does anybody have any insight into this condition?

8 comments posted: Thursday, December 1st, 2022

General Discussion / Counseling Question

My H’s transgressions were years and years ago. He is sick now, so mostly a moot point.

But, when we went to counseling and Retrouvaille back in the day, I tried unsuccessfully to get a question addressed to my satisfaction…maybe y’all can help.

H is totally conflict avoidant. He would rather do anything than "talk". About anything, but most especially about something where he is at fault. So…anything regarding that which I will not mention here.

I, OTOH, need (not only want)…NEED to talk it out with the intention of dealing with it then letting it go. Never had that chance.

So, counseling and Retrovaille both addressed this with the following perspective…

"You can’t force someone to talk when they don’t want to. Agree on a time to address the issue later." In fact, I was told to let THEM choose when that time should be.

OK, I understand that you can’t expect someone to discuss a difficult topic on demand. But this is my question…


Either way, one person gets their preference, while the other acquiesces.

Why is the rule that you can’t "force" someone to do something?

By refusing to talk "now", I am basically being forced to wait.

Why do my needs have to wait???????

I’ve been looking for a justification for this for many years.

Any input???

14 comments posted: Sunday, October 23rd, 2022

Mod Please

Can someone contact me please?

1 comment posted: Thursday, October 13th, 2022

Heard from my son’s federal defender today

She wanted to introduce herself over the phone and asked me some questions about him. She also has some type of investigator that she wants to call me and talk with me about my son as well.

She told me several very disturbing things.

She said that it was very complicated with him because he has state charges as well as the federal charges. She said that he was not earning any time right now, because he had not been sentenced yet… His case had not been resolved.

She said that after his federal case is resolved, they will send him back here to do his time on state charges before he even got to start his federal charges. We were under the impression that federal time would be done first, and that state charges could be served concurrently. Evidently that is not the case.

From some research that I have done, from some inmates who had at least similar experiences that my son has spoken to, we were under the impression that the first time, non-violent offense of this nature would be 3 to 5 years, but probably the short end of that time. She told me today that she hoped it would not be longer than five years. But that he would serve all the time for state charges first, before he was even allowed to start serving his federal time.

It sounds like it could be more like 10 years instead of the three years that we were praying for.

I know that my husband will not survive that long. I’m very concerned about my son meeting his defender this Thursday morning and her telling him all of this information. She told me today she would try to break it to him gently. But I’m afraid it’s all going to come crashing in on him.

I know that he made his choices, and there is a price to be paid.

… So now he has to be in jail much longer than we thought probably.

… It is entirely possible that neither my husband or even I will live to see him to get out.

… I wonder if his lady will be able to wait this kind of time for him.

…His son will be 12-13 yrs old when he gets out.

He is already very worried about his dad. We are just finishing up another Zosyn infusion through a picc line the hospital sent him home with. Our son calls every other day to check on his dad. H has stopped eating any more than once a day. He just sleeps all the time.

I’m scared on so many fronts.

I’m afraid that this will break him.

23 comments posted: Wednesday, October 12th, 2022

Is it ever right to keep “family stuff” away from family?

So, as you all may have noticed, 😏 …I tend to be an over sharer.

I share everything. Especially to family or close friends who are involved with the situation or the person involved. But, obviously, also to perfect strangers online!(Although I beg to differ that you all are strangers to me.)

This has been a bit of a week. My middle son who has some emotional health issues has been having an ongoing rift with a close friend. She is mentally ill, and feeds into his issues. My observations.

My oldest son said something at some point that I don’t know about, and she began to tell my other son that they were both racists, and that I was the one who raised them to be racist. I asked him if she knew his brother is biracial. Yes she did. But, she held true to the fact that I have raised my two "white sons" to be racist. She has spread this all over social media and has blocked my son from communicating with her. She has threatened to vandalize our home.

This all happened about two months ago, and he said that he was done being her friend. I found out recently that their friendship was "over" mostly because he didn’t like anybody "talking smack about his mama". I was very sorry that he was upset about the end of their friendship, but I was happily surprised that he wanted to speak up for me. He has never really "liked" me much. Thinks I am wanting to make him be the kind of person I want him to be, i.e., sober. That’s the history. A tiny example of it.

Now for the present. Strike one…Yesterday my older son came to me and said that his very dear friend has been in the hospital for one month in a nearby town and he didn’t even know it. That he was in very critical condition. Would I take him to visit him. So off we go. I called my other son to let him know what’s happening and he says that this friend is one of his best friends in the world and he wants to go too. So we went to the hospital. I left them there with one vehicle when I drove home.

When the guys came home after visiting their friend, my son was almost hysterical. Talking about how this was one of the best friends he’s ever had, and this was so terrible and he just didn’t know what he was going to do. My older son has told me since then that his brother has hung out with he and his friend on four or five occasions, but that they weren’t close friends at all. I believe that my son has an issue with exaggeration/drama. Sometimes it feels like he doesn’t think he is "enough" so everything has to be exaggerated to make it sound like a much bigger deal.

Strike two…That night I went to bed early and got up at about 2 AM to watch the queen’s funeral. I noticed headlights coming in through the blinds meaning there is a car in my driveway… At 3 AM. So I go out there to see what’s happening. Someone is letting off my son, and he is obviously intoxicated. I ask about it, because he has been driving my car to work since his truck has been on the fritz. He denies having been drinking. He comes in and gets into it with me. Tells me that I pissed him off because he can come and go whenever he wants to and he doesn’t have to tell me. I hadn’t even asked about that. I just wanted to know about the drinking so I would know whether or not to give him my keys in 4 1/2 hours to drive to work.

After a conversation, he tells me that he’s sick to death of me and that I make him want to kill himself. That I want him to be something that I want him to be, (sober…so, guilty) and that he knows that I just want to sit and watch Jason (the friend who is ill) die????? I asked him to repeat it, and he said the same thing. That I just wanted to sit and watch him die. I said I was done talking.

He was gone all day today, and finally called me in the afternoon and said that he had talked himself out of committing suicide this morning, but was going to check himself into a psychiatric hospital. He said that I had driven him to all of this, and named all the reasons why he resents me.

My oldest son is also upset with him, because he has pretty much had it with all of the drama. I tried to tell him that we don’t need to be upset with him, because it has to do with emotional issues. That we should be concerned about him. He didn’t agree.

Strike three is when my son from prison calls. In the course of the conversation he asked me how everybody’s doing. I really don’t lie to the boys, so I told him that Jason was very ill, and that his brothers were upset, especially the one brother. But that was as much as I told him.

So, 1000 words later, my question is this… Do I withhold the information about his brother being at a psychiatric hospital from my son who is incarcerated? I don’t want to add to his stress, but I don’t want to keep information about his brother from him.

Any ideas of how the hell to handle this in the least hurtful way possible for each of them?

Sometimes I feel like there is a kink in something in my life… That something is twisted in the universe and I need to get it straightened out. Do other regular people in the world have shit like this going on all the time, one after another, and I just don’t notice? Shame on me if that is the case. If that is not the case, what have I done to get things out of balance so badly?

I was getting so used to the ease and peacefulness of my husband doing better healthwise, and therefore less drama in our lives.

19 comments posted: Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

They came and got my son today

Until this morning, my son was in our local county jail. There were some relatively small charges. He has been there almost a year.

But he was indicted in May on a federal offense, and has been waiting since then to be picked up.

I just got a text from his lady that he had been picked up.

He is actually anxious to get started with whatever time he will be in prison.

Hard to type that.

He believes that when he is finished with federal time, the local charges will be rolled into it, and he will be done. Whereas time he has been in county jail does not count toward federal time.

I can’t believe I’m in a situation to even know that fact.

I don’t know where he’s going now. If he will be taken to the state capital, or transported to another state where he will be held until he goes to court. And then after he is sentenced, he will be sent… it is my understanding… to one of three federal prisons. I haven’t seen him in almost a year.

I have read that they try to give prisoners a prison location as close as possible to their family, because family visits keeps prisoners more manageable.

I can only hope and pray it will be close enough for us to visit him as often as possible.

18 comments posted: Friday, September 9th, 2022

Nursing question – I need help quickly please

Sorry, double topics!

No idea how that happened!

1 comment posted: Wednesday, July 27th, 2022

Nursing question… I need quick help!

As you may know from my other thread, I am presently infusing antibiotics into my husband‘s PICC line.

I do it three times a day, at 7 AM, 3 PM, and 11 PM.

Today I have a doctors appointment at 3 PM. Exactly the same time as I am supposed to give him his anabiotics. My PCP is retiring, and this is the last opportunity I will have to see him. He is booked up until his retirement and I just can’t afford to miss the appointment, unless absolutely necessary.

I called the home health nurse and ask her if I could start the anabiotic treatment right at 3 PM (dr is 1 mile away) and disconnect as soon as I got home, no later than 415. That could possibly leave the anabiotic line hooked up to the PICC line about 15 minutes after it is empty.

She said that she would prefer me to give it to him one hour early, or one hour late. She said there was a one hour cushion on either side of the timing, and that leaving the anabiotic tubing hooked into the PICC line longer than necessary was not recommended.

Do you all agree? I want to do what is best for H, obviously.

10 comments posted: Wednesday, July 27th, 2022

Did you ever have one of those days? I mean good ones!

I post a lot when I’m sad / frustrated / angry / devastated / etc.

But…today was a good day…bordering on a great day. And not because of anything earth shattering, just a sequence of what felt like small victories.

My H is feeling pretty good, considering his recent hospital stay.

I decided to do NOTHING today. No returned calls, no housecleaning, nothing proactive. Didn’t get H up…thought he (and I) should just rest today.

Had a couple of no stress conversations with H about his expectations and wishes from here on out. I accepted whatever he said with no back and forth.

My son called to vent to me a situation with repairing his truck. I listened quietly and gave no advice initially, and resisted the urge to "mother" him. When he was ready for my input, I suggested he take a little while to be totally bummed that it wasn’t going to turn out as he was planning, then when he was ready, we could brainstorm.

I also supported a couple of options he came up with. Usually he gets bonkers with self pity and exaggerated doom, but today, in reference to my saying that he may have to "travel from GA to LA to get to FLA, but he would get there". And…I can’t even believe I’m typing this, he told me that reminded him of his favorite Bible verse… and proceeded to quote it for me. It was one I was not even familiar with myself. But he knew it Word for Word, and knew what it meant.

First, I want to say that I’m not trying to make a religious point here. Just telling the story to illustrate how he had added to my great day, because that was so important to me personally. Especially since he has not been particularly focused on things of a spiritual nature recently.

On the way home from work, (I’m taking both of them to work because both of their trucks happen to be out of commission at the same time!), my other son told me of a hitch in his plans with his truck as well, but he had already figured out an alternate plan. Awesome, because this son mostly uses anger in situations like this.

Came home and saw my grand baby whom I had not seen in a couple of weeks. A total angel who always makes me super happy.

Then I found out, through looking at pictures online, that my new five-month-old puppy is probably NOT a beagle/basset hound mix, but probably more likely to be a beagle/Texas coon hound mix. who get to be between 65 and 80 pounds at maturity. Yikes! But I adore her, however HUGE she will be! She makes me smile!!!

Then I had a conversation with my H regarding his hopes / plans. What he wants to look forward doing at this point in his life. There are no races to win, no more businesses to start, etc. He and I came up with family stuff, attention to his health, church attendance, etc. I said, "Great, we’ll start tomorrow ", and left it at that.

And I’m not sure whether or not I shared with you all about my son who is incarcerated. When my husband was in ICU, and they were having trouble keeping his blood pressure in a life-sustaining range, I got on the telephone and spoke with some of the jail officials regarding a "deathbed visitation". Thank God we didn’t have to use it at this time. Later on, I spoke gently with my son about the fact that I had checked into such a thing. I was so scared to breach the subject because he is my most vulnerable son regarding bad news, hurtful news. But he answered with a quiet strength. He told me that he understood the situation and that he was praying for his dad every single day. And that I needed to stay strong.

And now, as I was writing this post, one of my sons called me to the front porch to discuss how totally freaked out he was about seeing his dad incoherent on the night that we took him to the hospital. And about how he doesn’t know how he will be able to deal with the pain when he loses his dad. That is certainly a very sad situation for him to be in, but the fact that he came to me to talk to me, and that we could have a 15 to 20 minute conversation about it, was quite amazing.

I don’t know if these things would seem like milestones to some of you, but it seems as though over the last two or three days, I have had amazingly positive interactions with every member of my immediate family.

And I am just so very thankful for it.😊

7 comments posted: Monday, July 11th, 2022

Trying to figure this out

So…I’m having a tough time figuring out how best to help my H at this time.

It is maddening to try to communicate with him most of the time, just in a normal situation. He’s just really wishy-washy with answers like he’s wanting to say the "right thing". I’m guessing that is due in part to his conflict avoidance and also my "irritation at him since "that" day. Honestly, it’s irritating.

But now that his health is a bigger issue, and although I don’t necessarily agree with him, I have promised to support his decisions about his life from here on out.

Right now I am bumfuzzled about his eating and getting out of bed. The last time he was out of the bed for any length of time was June 10 at my great niece’s wedding. He can get up, but lately he gets a little lightheaded and tired pretty quickly.

And now he just doesn’t want to eat much. Today, not at all. I have promise not to push, but honestly I feel as though I should be bringing him meals. But recently I have just ask him to let me know when he wants something to eat and I will bring it to him. And he never asks for anything.

Because he is a non-communicator by choice, I never know if he just agrees with me to avoid the conversation, or doesn’t care.

About once a week I have a sit down conversation with him about what exactly I need to do… Do I need to just not feed him and never push him to get out of the bed? He says no, that I should encourage him to get up and to eat. But he just doesn’t want to.

So it seems that my choices are to encourage him, which may be irritating him, to get up and eat. Or I could just leave him alone and he would do nothing but lay in the bed and get weaker and weaker. My gut tells me that is what he wants, but I’m not confident enough in that belief to take a chance that my backing off could facilitate something that he can’t come back from.

This is definitely uncharted territory. I have experienced it before with my mom when she was at the end of her life. But she was 92 and so the decisions weren’t as impactful for her. If I got it wrong with her, it wouldn’t cost her bed a few short weeks of her life, which she would have preferred, whereas my H could possibly have some good living left if he wants it. I just don’t feel confident in my ability to "read" him anymore.

Any insights?

269 comments posted: Monday, June 27th, 2022

Do you ever feel like you’re living someone else’s life?

I’m not sure if that title is exactly how I wanted to express what I’m feeling, but it’s the best I can come up with.

In a nutshell, as I see the world, I am basically a conservative type person, was raised a certain way, education was second only to faith and family and being brought up "right". Respectful. Dependable. Responsible. Loyal. A "lady". A "good person".

Being in trouble with the law would fall under the category of "not in the realm of possibility". Promiscuity was not even an option.

So I get how my upbringing sets me up for this.

For some time now, years and years, I have felt as though I am living someone else’s life. That somewhere in the world there must be a radical, mover and shaker, motorcycle riding, covered in tattoos, kind of person, who is living in a cute house with a white picket fence, president of the PTA, with 2.5 kids, and a husband who loves her.

And she is going fricken crazy, too!

It seems to me that my kids have suffered all kinds of trials and tribulations based probably (hopefully) mostly on there conditions at birth due to their birth mothers addictions. Almost exclusively, there "female interests" have been girls/women in abusive situations, addicts, teen mothers without significant others, etc. (It is not my intention WHATSOEVER to demean any of these girls or their situations, I’m just saying it’s different from my experience being raised.)

Last night one of my sons told me that he is "talking to" a girl for a couple of months now who has shared with him that she was raped by her father, has a child by him, and has to do whatever he says because he threatens to take the child away. He told me this at about 1:30 in the morning, and I’ve been thinking about it ever sense.

Last night I told him that was a very serious and horrible situation, that the father would be unable to take her child without any proof that the child belongs to him, and he is refusing to give DNA,
probably to avoid prosecution.And I told him that maybe we could talk about it a little later since it was so late and he had to go to work this morning. And he agreed.

This morning my sister-in-law called about another thing, and so I took the opportunity to explain to her my husband/her brothers situation regarding his health and the potentially life-threatening situation he is in.

My son was INFURIATED. He interrupted the conversation three times to point out a fire, to turn his music up on his phone, and to ask me some silly question. I told him I would speak to him as soon as I was through talking with her.

Now he is angry with me because:

1. I talk on the phone sometimes when I take him to work

2. I should talk on the phone to other people only when I am not with him.

He’s been expressing these things for the last week or so as I speak with a friend on the phone when she is driving to work and driving home from work because the times coincide because she is in a two hour different time zone.

Anyway, this morning I told him that it was rude to interrupt me while I was talking on the phone. He said I should’ve not been talking on the phone when I was driving him to work. I explained that I had not yet found the time to call his dad’s sister and explain her brother/my husbands updated health situation just to keep her informed.

I told him that his behavior was no different than a three-year-old in the backseat trying to get mommy‘s attention when she’s talking to daddy, or something of that nature.

And have I mentioned that 90% of the time that I take him to and from work, 30 minutes each way, he is mute. Just plays on his phone.

I normally don’t say anything, but today I sort of let him see my frustration with the situation.

I do need to say that I think he was expecting us to speak about the situation with his lady friend while on the way to work, although that had not been officially set up.

So today, I’m sitting here wondering where in the world is that woman who has my house and 2.5 "normal" children, and is she ready to change places with me yet?

By the way, full disclosure, I do have four tattoos… So I guess I’m gravitating to the "other side". I still have not however ever ridden a motorcycle and never will! It scares me so!

So, just ignore me… I’m venting here I guess. And making a bit of a funny as well.

Y’all have a great day!

15 comments posted: Tuesday, June 21st, 2022

Does anyone know how “painpaingoaway” is doing?

She and I "clicked" when I first came here and then during a time when I didn’t post as much, I’m assuming she chose to withdraw from the site.

I’ve asked before, and some nice person told me that she was doing well.

I’m not trying to intrude on her privacy, but I sure would love to hear about her again…that she is OK.

4 comments posted: Friday, June 10th, 2022

Damned if we do… Damned if we don’t

You may have read my post about my husband‘s recent hospital stay due to a serious UTI causing sepsis. Yesterday we had a follow up visit with his urologist. We came away feeling like we had been hit in the face with a 2 x 4.

Basically, he said that we are in a "no good solution" phase with my husband‘s health. Having had a spinal cord injury for close to 50 years now, he has experience… lots of experience…with urinary tract infections.

What this doctor is telling us now is that in the future, if my husband gets a urinary tract infection, we have a decision to make…

1) Take a sample to the doctor and get a culture done to identify the bacteria and treat with antibiotics, or

2) Do not treat.

If we choose number one and treat the infection with anabiotic‘s, we are setting up a situation where the bacteria will become resistant to the antibiotics, the more he takes. And he will eventually have a urinary tract infection that no anabiotic will treat, which will almost certainly cause his death.

If we choose number two and do not treat the infection… If we are unable to manage it and get rid of it without antibiotics, that very infection could also cost him his life.

We have been aware of these medical realities for sometime, but it seems as though we are getting closer and closer to one of these inevitabilities.

I guess the reason that it is really a bit of a smack in the face at this point, is that although the doctor did not say it in so many words, he kept apologizing. He kept saying that there are two choices that we can make, and that the outcome is the same whatever we choose. I got the impression that he was very concerned about the type and the amount of anabiotic that my husband was given in this last hospital stay. He seemed to think that this could be a fatal situation for my husband sooner than later.

I guess what I’m looking for is anyone who might have some information / suggestions about alternatives.

My husband and I have spent quite a lot of time with homeopathy/natural alternatives to different health issues. But after our children were mostly grown, and with less financial resources, we have mostly used modern medicine.

I give him probiotics, cranberry pills and vitamin C every day. I take amazingly special care in being as clean as possible without a surgical room when I use a catheter to empty his bladder.

I guess I’m looking for any type of thing… any advice that anyone might have regarding other things that we could do.

I have tried to google a specialist in treatment of patients who are many years post spinal cord injury, but I almost always end up with references to doctors who treat spinal cord injuries in the hospital immediately after the injury, or recently injured people. I can’t even figure out who to go see; a urologist, a physiatrist, or who?

I guess I am resistant to accepting this notion. As you probably can tell by my situation with my husband pertaining to what we have been through in our marriage, I really can’t believe that there is "nothing else that can be done". I have had instances in my life where that perspective did not serve me, and other situations where it has served me very well…the not giving up thing.

The urologist told us that he very much prefers to go the "no antibiotics" route. He says that we can take cultures to him to be tested, but that he really doesn’t want to test them because he "doesn’t want to know". I’m wasn’t sure what that meant, but a friend who is a nurse said that it basically means that since there is no real way to resolve the issue and the impact on his life…no matter which route we go… knowing what the bacteria is wouldn’t change anything.

My husband told me yesterday when we got home from the urologist appointment, that he wants to take the antibiotic route. I asked him if he understood that the next round of anabiotic’s that he takes could possibly cost him his life. He answered "Yes". After a 1 to 2 hour conversation, he held his stance. He was not emotional about it, and didn’t seem to be in denial about the situation. I even asked him, even if our son was not able to get out of jail, and therefore never able to see his dad again, would he still choose using antibiotics and risking resistance to the point of a costing him his life. "Yes". When I asked why he had arrived at that decision, without pause, he responded, "Quality of life." And in truth, either route we take could have the same result.

There is no doubt that whatever he decides while being clear minded, which he is at this time, I will totally implement if he’s unable to, whether or not I agree. I’m pretty sure he trusts that fact.

But in my mind I’m going back to the homeopathic doctor and to anything I can find that might help with the smaller urinary tract infections. The ones that would not take such dramatic antibiotics.

I’m just looking for something more. And this is such an invaluable site with people having so many experiences, I thought maybe I could find some help.

Respectfully I am requesting that my situation resulting in me being on this site, and comments I have made regarding troubles between my H and I, or things I have come here complaining about, not be discussed on this particular topic. This is simply a wife hoping for some kind of insight into something that I haven’t thought about yet, that could give us an upper hand in this horrible situation.

I request that it be truly "off topic".

Thanks so much.

29 comments posted: Thursday, June 9th, 2022

Medical Peeps...questions re sepsis

My H is in the hospital with sepsis.

Yes, I have broken the "common sense" rule and read online. It’s scary. He is not in ICU or anything, and they say he will be getting IV antibiotics for at least 2 more days. Making a total of 3 1/2 days in the hospital if all goes well. There is tons of infection in his foley.

A long story short...Urine looked clear till Wednesday. I took a sample to the dr for lab work and culture. Friday had a red face and abdominal pain. BP was REALLY high...242/134, 208/127, 227/128, 228/131, etc. Heart rate 82, 102, 100, 109, 87...etc. Mostly no symptoms other than red face and abdominal pain, but H can’t know exactly where in abdomen. Physicians asst. from dr office, the on call dr on Saturday, and hospice nurse/administrator all said to trust the symptoms, and not the numbers. Said they didn’t trust the BP numbers without stroke/heart symptoms like confusion, impaired speech/vision, etc. Finally Sat. afternoon he got a headache and was shivering so I just brought him to the ER.

Triage nurse said he had dangerously LOW blood pressure, high heart rate (159) and fever. He was diagnosed with sepsis.

I wanted to know what all I need to ask the hospitalist. We do not have results from the CT scan or bloodwork, other than a nurse slipping us a bit of info. He said there was infection all the way into the ureters / kidneys, and there are kidney cysts. Here are some of the questions I have. Can you tell me if they make sense?

-Does that mean he has kidney cysts and also, by the way, sepsis, or were the cysts caused by the sepsis?

-The online stages of sepsis...mild, severe, and shock...will they be able to know about that now? Do the answers come from the bloodwork?

-How can I catch this earlier next time? Hoping my niece/nurse can teach me to do a manual BP. (The Walgreens cuff doesn’t work so well due to my H’s contracture in his arms.)

-I screwed up by raising his head when his face started getting red. You know, "If the face is red, raise the head...". So, I guess that’s not always accurate? I guess a little knowledge really IS a dangerous thing. 😟😏

-Should we go back to using a new catheter every time? After insurance, it’s over $600 per month. Urologist told us it was not necessary, as long as I cleaned them properly.

-Should I consider a foley? I’ve always thought a continuous open line was a greater risk of infiltration / infection than intermittent cathing. Urologist supports intermittent cathing.

-Anything else I need to ask doctors?

Thank you.

12 comments posted: Sunday, May 22nd, 2022

I’m really down these days

1 out of 3 of my kids bothered to tell me Happy Mother’s Day yesterday.

(The one that is incarcerated.)

I went to visit my grand baby yesterday. I haven’t seen him since or the other of us has been sick. He was 2 in February. When he saw me yesterday, he started sobbing, ran into his room and hid behind his door. 😞

I saw my son for the first time in 6 months. On a video call from jail. It was good to see him in real time, but so hurtful, too. And it hasn’t helped that I have been watching "Jail" on TV.

My H goes in on Wednesday to get a skin cancer removed.

His urine has been turning weird colors. 😯. I’ll send in a sample.

The thing that is killing me right now is my "relationship " with my H. I have chosen to stay with him to take care of him. But it is getting to where I am so angry ALL THE TIME. He will ask for tons of water late in the evening, then is waking me up every 1 1/2 - 2 hours to pee all night long. Then he sleeps all day while I have things to do, or I just can’t sleep.

He says he wants me to take care of him, but treats me like a slave. When I went to a funeral out of town last month, he did not do that to his sister the whole 5 days she was taking care of him. Also, he simply won’t talk to me. It’s like I’m not a person. And when I confront him about it, and ask him why, he says, "I don’t know". I’m so angry. Just so angry.

He has begun to talk with his nephew for lllooonnnggg periods time on the phone. This is a nephew who tore up 2 of our homes while we were letting him live there. I had to pay about $75,000 to renovate them in order to be able to sell them. He also used to call me and tell me how women loved him so much cause he could "go all night". I told my husband about it, and he had nothing to say. One time I left my mother-in-law‘s home. He came out to the van and asked where I thought I was going. I told him that I was taking my son away and I wanted him to stay away from him. He told me there was nothing that I could do to keep him away from my son and he can say whatever he wanted to to him. He’s a drug addict and an alcoholic and mentally ill. And my husband would not say a word against him for $1 million, even if it meant "choosing" him over me.

His mother, my H’s sister, comes to us from time to time to ask for money. She doesn’t work and is somewhat disabled, but she owns a two lot property with a home on it in our hometown, and where she lives a couple of hours away, she has 20 acres of property. But she doesn’t want to sell any of that. So she comes to us for money.

I know we will never be "married" again, but why can’t their be some kind of kindness to get through this situation??? I will ask him when he calls me into the room in the middle of the night, could you please tell me everything that you need so that I won’t have to get up so often. He doesn’t answer me. Then when I go back into the adjoining room to try to lie down and sleep some more, he will ask me to please turn him. Then I go back and lie down for three minutes and then he calls me back in to please get some more water, or to take the blanket off of him, or to put the blanket on him. Or to hand him the remote.

I am getting so angry with him I’ve been saying mean things. I can’t imagine that there could be any type of relationship with him except some kind of kindness, and some kind of recognition on his part that I am a person of worth..

Recently, I happened upon a song/blessing I heard that really touched me. It mirrored exactly what I thought was what he needed at this point. So I asked our ministers from our church to come in and give him a blessing. Then I ask the ministers from the church where he grew up which is a different faith, to come in and do an anointing. Both times the blessing was in regards to him deciding to make an effort in life, rather than just laying in the bed EVERY day, ALL day. He was ok with getting the blessings.

Since the blessings… No change whatsoever. But yesterday he asked me if I would please take him to eat out with a friend from his high school. I told him I would take him whereever he wanted me to. But that wasn’t enough. I also have to stay in case he needs some help. Like with eating and cutting food and things like that. So I will stay because he indeed is unable to cut his food, etc.

But I have to be honest. I no longer trust him at all. He knew I was very angry that he was spending so much time on the phone with that nephew. There have been times in our lives that he has turned over a small business to his nephew to run so that he would have an opportunity to succeed in his business life. WITHOUT TELLING ME. And he always runs them into the ground. And when my husband says to him that he can’t help him every month with a supplementary check because the business isnt paying for itself, the nephew says, "then I’ll just go back to selling drugs."

Now, I’m scared to death that my husband will change the beneficiaries on his life insurance policy from me and our children to giving this nephew and God knows who else some of the life insurance policy. I have already told him that if he gives his nephew one more penny of the money that should be given to our children and inherited by our children, that I will leave him no questions asked.

But I have no idea where I would go or how I would live.

I feel like a slave in my own home. I am so upset and angry all the time that I have even become angry lately with my deceased parents, for raising me in such a way that I feel like I want to do the right thing and take care of him at this point in his life. How screwed up is that???

I’m afraid now something is really wrong with me.

I could use some points of view.

28 comments posted: Monday, May 9th, 2022

Getting overwhelmed with keeping up

Because of my life at this particular time, I am popping in and out of this site whenever I can, but sometimes it is a few days before I can get back. As a result, if I was participating or at least reading a certain topic on a certain forum, by the time I come back to it, often there are pages and pages that I have not yet read.

That’s perfectly fine.

What is a really frustrating is that I can’t remember from one topic to the next, what page it was on when I last read/posted.

So basically, I am re-reading page after page after page so that I will see the full picture.

Is there someway on this particular site, unknown to my infant-like understanding of technology, that I can know where I stopped reading when I go back to it?

I am certainly not suggesting that this is something that needs to be available if it is not already. I’m guessing MH and everyone who works so hard to make this site so wonderful have plenty on their hands to do.

But I just thought there might be something in place that I don’t know about that could help me.

Any ideas?

3 comments posted: Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022

Please...I need legal “advice”

I have posted that my son was arrested in November for stealing a car. He is currently in our county jail.

He is also awaiting federal bank robbery charges...grand jury supposedly meeting within the next 2-4 weeks.

I need help. So much help.

Right now, his lawyer regarding the car theft, keeps bumping the court date out while they wait on the grand jury. He tells me that is so that while in federal prison, he would be able (probably) to serve the sentences concurrently. But if the car theft comes first, they would probably have to be served consecutively.

I asked his lawyer...a person I trust, if I should get a private attorney, or just have the court appointed attorney. He is not a federal attorney, but he said that on the federal level, things are implemented so tightly, that on a pretty cut and dry case, the court appointed attorney would probably do the same job as a private attorney. He also mentioned that federal attorneys are SOOOO expensive. I know my son will be going to prison, but if putting some money in a private lawyer could take considerable time off his sentences, it would be worth it. But would it make a difference? How can I know? Who do I ask?

Should I be making a decision about court appointed vs private lawyer NOW, or wait till the grand jury meets/decides? Or is this something my son has to do himself?

He says if they offer him a deal, he would rather accept that for less time than risk a longer sentence. Is that smart?

Also, who determines the length of the sentence? DA? Judge?

And are there any extenuating circumstances that the court / DA will consider when determining sentencing?

My son is biracial, which worries me enough with regard to sentencing.

His issues have included adoption, being born addicted to crack, a concussion at age 5 that permanently changed his affect, drug addiction, and documented behavioral/psychological issues (seeing a neuropsychologist every 2 years from age 4 - 16).

Do DAs give a shit about any of that, as in...would it be a consideration regarding sentencing?

My son told me recently that he has talked to people (fellow inmates) and thinks that for a non violent first federal offense, with a total of $200 money taken, that he expects a 3-5 year sentence.

I called a police officer friend to see if he could go visit my son before they came to get him after grand jury, and he said he thought the sentence would be much longer.

So, I am freaking out. I have been pretty sick for a couple of weeks. Im not sure if it’s some strain of COVID,or just a upper respiratory infection. My H has nothing to say/share about the whole situation with my son.....I mean NOT A WORD.

Yesterday, after my friend told me to prepare myself for a longer sentence, and feeling so horrible already, I have just been crying non stop.

If he gets 10 years or something, I know that my H won’t live that long. And I know how that will simply kill my son if he loses one of us while he is inside. I’m trying to think of all the reasons why I need to live, But they are all for someone else...take care of my H, etc.

Don’t get me wrong...I am NOT suicidal. I have strong feelings regarding taking my own life and that is simply not an option for me. But I sure do wish sometimes that I could just not wake up one morning.

Anyway...can someone unofficially help me understand how all this works, and what I need to be doing?


20 comments posted: Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

How do I “accept” cookies?

My phone tells me each time I go to log in that I must have cookies.

There is only one response, and that is to “x out”.

But I’m guessing that doesn’t do it.

Help please. I just don’t know how to “accept cookies”

6 comments posted: Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Could it possible if...

...we could combine “Saturday night party time” with “SPF”???

Just sayin’...

I could use the laughs!

[This message edited by WhatsRight at 3:51 PM, September 16th (Wednesday)]

4 comments posted: Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

Help understanding synchronized devices

I know absolutely nothing about technology.

That being said, someone showed me how to sync my iPad and my iPhone. I know that if I text someone on my iPhone, it also pops up on my iPad. They are both in “the cloud“ whatever that means.

I loaned my iPad to my son, and now he says he doesn’t know where it is. I’m not sure what to think about this. He could be lying of course. Or maybe he just lost it.

Either way, I’m concerned that people will be able to see what I text and what I search and perhaps even my posts on this site… Whatever I do on my phone.

I’m guessing a stranger would have to have my password to get on it… But I gave my password to my son. And he would definitely be the one that I would not want to read the things I have said on this site to you good folks.

Is this true?

[This message edited by WhatsRight at 9:59 AM, September 7th (Monday)]

5 comments posted: Monday, September 7th, 2020

Happy Birthday WhatsRight !!!!!!!!!!

6 comments posted: Thursday, June 25th, 2020

Are there ever any G2Gs in the Southeast?

That's pretty much it.

3 comments posted: Friday, August 30th, 2019

User names I hate to use



I really like this woman! I just can't write it. So I use "MOB".

Once you feel a certain connection with people, it's hard for me to use some of the names.

No disrespect intended.

Any of you have any others?

11 comments posted: Sunday, August 13th, 2017

Trouble logging on to SI website

Anyone know why I would be having trouble logging onto this site from my iPad? I have no problems logging in with my iphone.

Truly weird.

Also, even though I clear all history each time, 'surviving infidelity' pops up every time I turn my phone on in 'bookmarks' and top picks & history.

I want there to be no trace of it in the event one of my kids borrows my phone and googles something starting with 's'.

3 comments posted: Sunday, July 9th, 2017

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